I'm so tired of the food here i've eaten it all!

Morbidly A Beast:
Also trigged snowflake libfart much getting trigged by jokes cancel culture strikes again

I just saw someone say white people food bland

The west has truly fallen


Sadly it appears the West is falling fast.

Thankfully in America our Bill of Rights still stands as inalienable.

I feel for my friends and acquaintances in Europe and the British Commonwealth. Their rights come from government rather than our Creator, and have been eroding at a perilous pace.

Perhaps their curtailment of speech which makes snowflakes melt down will be enough to prevent global warming, especially since the French farmers idling Diesel tractors on their highways isn't helping the globalist agenda.
3 months

I'm so tired of the food here i've eaten it all!

I often see the British food slander and how they don't ever use spices, but it's so funny because I feel as though Australians are even worse offenders of this!

When im telling you "Australian" food is some of the blandest food you will have in your life I mean it. As an Australian I now yearn for leaving this place to discover other cuisines because I've realised, if something isn't from here that's where the flavour comes from! I guess maybe the Australian laid back attitude goes as far as to influence the food as most of it is pretty basic flavours with minimal effort or seasoning. I'm not saying people don't veer away from this but most people here only use salt, pepper and curry for pretty much everything. The most authentic experience of Australian food is probably when friends invite other friends over for a bbq. If it's lunch most dishes will usually be served cold such a pasta salads, potato salads, basic salad of lettuce, tomato & cucumber and meats from the bbq (generally unseasoned or just salt). The typical sauce options will be bbq or tomato and pretty much everywhere sauce options don't vary much from those, with the addition of gravy, which I like to be dark brown and thick. This trend of sticking to a limited flavour profile extends to the supermarkets too, pretty much everything stays within about 3-5 flavour profiles.There's not much of a range of really anything, for example, sodas pretty much stick to just being raspberry, orange, cola or lemon or some version of that. It's impossible to find things like a grape soda or anything even slightly adventurous. The same goes for candies anything more exciting like watermelon, grape & blue raspberry candies are sparse and the milks and ice creams pretty much everything sticks to being chocolate, vanilla or caramel.
The only exciting flavours come when things are limited edition or are internationally sourced. So I think I've quite literally out eaten this country, I've eaten it all so many times, I've eaten everything good in the supermarkets, and I just need a new world of food to try. There's so many countries I fantasise going to just for entire eating trips, I worry how I'd fit on the plane back but it sounds so exciting. Nothing makes me more excited than new flavours and textures of food, it will truly be a marvelous experience and would hopefully take a huge toll. I'd definitely document everything too so you could see how much I ate and gained. Idk about you but that sounds incredible and we've e got to make it happen this year!!

With love, but this is the whitest thing I have seen in a while. And I am in bed with my very white significant other.

Just ... use seasoning. And try foods from other cultures. Problem solved.

"Whitest thing?"

Why must so many topics on which you comment be categorized in a racist context?

OP made references solely to a nation's culinary preferences, not a particular race.

It's an "Australian" thing, plain and simple.

People in and from Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain are largely considered "white" and happen to be some of the heaviest users of seasonings in their cuisine. Folks like Emeril Lagasse and Guy Fieri come to mind. Their recipes are the opposite of bland.

Readily available convenience foods are typically designed for the widest appeal and often lack flavors objectionable to some palates, often those of youths. By offering flavors appealing to impressionable consumers at a young age, these major corporations (fast food, processed food, snack food, cola and beverage, etc.) develop customers for life, and rightfully so. Their duty is a fiduciary one to their shareholders, not one of any sort to their customers, including those whom they classify as "Heavy users" or "Superfans".

I agree wholeheartedly the best solution to such bland "Australian" cuisine would be to expand the application of seasonings and/or try foods from other cultures.
3 months

Looking for a real feeder

hello i'm looking for a real feeder i dont mind if start online chat about feeding me and watch me eat gain but love a irl feeder /ltr
to face to face feed me

So tough to find a feeder IRL. Be patient, I wish you luck. Welcome to the site.
3 months

Feeding for strength

The part about the low visceral fat is interesting. Some people have speculated that carbs are more likely to turn to visceral fat than excess calories from other sources since they have to be converted in the liver. I don't know it's actually true.

You could be spot on about this.

We started with keto two years ago then did away with the plant based items early last year. Our doctor recommends visceral fat be under 1lb for optimal health.

The downside to a zero-plant based, high protein and animal fat diet, from the perspective of this community, potentially would be an eventual inability to maintain one's desired level of obesity.
3 months

Feeding for strength

We've been eating a high protein and very high animal fat diet with near zero carbs for over a year now.

I lost my love handles and dropped a pant size with noticeable gains in muscle definition. My wife is still enormous however her belly, ass, and thighs have softened dramatically. I absolutely love how her body feels in this state. She loves that I'm back to my early-20s physique.

We both recently had body composition scans performed. Our body fat is almost all subcutaneous; both of us had less then 1.3 lb visceral fat. Her numbers indicate health nearly equal to mine despite being over 100 lbs heavier. Neither of us take any meds.

It's certainly possible to be both heavy and healthy. Eating only high quality natural foods plays a major role.
3 months

Feeding for strength

This is the ultimate! My ideal feedee guy is big all over. I love when guys are strong enough to really throw their weight around, and the more weight they have, the stronger they have to be! It's a beautiful look on ladies, too. I feel like it may be one of the more practical ways to stay active and ambulatory while also packing on weight.

There's some strongfat people at my gym. A few ladies as well. You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but they're really powerful.

Tell me about it.

My wife has an incredibly strong lower body, able at one point to perform multiple reps at 500 lbs in the leg press at the gym despite being over 300 lbs herself.
3 months

Safe number of protein bars...?

Snacking on a protein bar which Is 208 calories and 17.2g protein 😳 and it actually tastes so good as its toffee apple flavour! So now I'm thinking about how many I could eat in a day to gain weight or more wondering how many would be reccomended to gain safely? Because they just taste so good and go down such a treat! Lately I feel as though I've been missing the feeling of new weight and of feeling heavier, so perhaps these will help in between when I'm not stuffing.

I've also been thinking about protein shakes a lot lately too, but I'm quite fussy with their taste and texture so if anyone can suggest a good one, with nice flavours, I would love that! The first thing I would do if I got a tub would so be a funneling 😍 I haven't done one in a while and I can often feel the itch to do them... perhaps for now I just do another one of my megashakes with milk, ice cream, cream, and peanut butter 🤤 

Now all this talk about stuffing and growing has me craving kfc 😩🤤

Are the protein bars in question also high in carbohydrates?

If you're looking to actively gain fat versus muscle mass, consider a snack food that's also high in carbohydrates and low in dietary fiber.

Remember, calories are simply a measure of thermal energy, and not necessarily a good indicator of how "fattening" a food will be.

While it's hot AF, keep in mind there's nothing "safe" about gaining (further) into obesity.
3 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Letters And Numbers:
Orwell was a socialist

What happened to this thread lol

It devolved from a discussion of fit high school graduates going on to become obese office workers, to a discussion of the United States devolving from its founding principles of liberty and self-sufficency to the rise of nanny-state authoritarianism.

Come to think of it, today's America may very well be the perfect metaphor for what happened to those once trim and fit HS grads!

Maybe once the political left finishes crippling our country, we can revisit this discussion and draw parallels to obesity-induced immobility.
3 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

As for Fox News, I doubt they wield much influence any longer, particularly after having abandoned their core demographic over the last few years. Cable news in general is out of touch with today's news consumer, as evidenced by their aggregate ratings decline.

Woke by and large never meant to most Americans what it meant in in post-colonial Jamaica. To pretend others in contemporary western society, particularly the low-information masses, will associate the term with its original definition is delusional.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about the first part, so I will leave that as is. But you are greatly misunderstanding everything about the second one.

Marcus Garvey was Jamaican, but the term isn't a Jamaican term. It's a black term made by a Jamaican man.

Garvey was part of the Pan-African movement - an international movement centered on the plight of the black diaspora. It included people from the Caribbean Islands, American, Canada, Europe, and various African nations. And about 100 years later it retains it's original meaning. And though non-black people are welcome to use it, a specific flavor of anti-progressive people are against it. They even coined the term "wokeism" to show how much they hate the word.

This is an active, perversion of a civil rights term. It is an active attempt to disempower a minority group. It is malicious, and people are fighting back:


There is indeed a perversion going on, but the source is not what we're supposed to believe. "Woke" is being used not as a warning against BS, but as a weapon against dissent.

George Orwell warned against such perversions.

See, you get it. You have reading comprehension.

Sadly Orwell's fiction is becoming reality. Those clamoring for socialism will rue the day it comes.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Terminology is dynamic. Definitions often vary dramatically based on geographic location.

Example: In Australia, "fag" is a slang reference for a cigarette. In the US, it's an (often contextually derogatory) slang reference for a homosexual man.

Are you telling a black woman that she's wrong about how a term her culture created should be used?

Because I was there when bigots on places like Fox News started to use it in a derogatory way. And I am watching how bigots are using it as a dog whistle.

Tell me why people like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are waging a "War on Woke" by attacking historically marginalized groups?

This is not an argument you want to get into with me, my dear. This is a topic firmly within my field of expertise backed up with lived experience. And it's very clear to me that you are not as well-versed.

If you want to know Ron DeSantis' reasoning for his agenda, you'll have to ask him directly. I can't comprehend why he sees himself as some sort of David going against the very Goliath that put him on the map. I'd sum Ron up as impatient and duplicitous.

Words have different meanings in different regions. Just because a term originates in a particular culture doesn't preclude others from utilizing it for a different purpose.

Perhaps some folks associated with BLM may be to blame for associating the term "woke" with the criminal leftist, Marxist movement and globalist agenda attempting to destroy traditional western republics. Not all BLM chapters are in unison with supporting this agenda.

BLM RI's senior director Mark Fisher endorsed President Trump ahead of the upcoming election. Mr. Fisher understands the merits of liberty and equality versus subjugation and equity.

As for Fox News, I doubt they wield much influence any longer, particularly after having abandoned their core demographic over the last few years. Cable news in general is out of touch with today's news consumer, as evidenced by their aggregate ratings decline.

Woke by and large never meant to most Americans what it meant in in post-colonial Jamaica. To pretend others in contemporary western society, particularly the low-information masses, will associate the term with its original definition is delusional.

Think of how the term "Jeep" is often used to refer to any off-road vehicle, whether or not it's actually a Jeep product. "Kleenex" is another example. It's commonly known to most Americans to reference facial tissue, regardless of the manufacturer. Most folks have no idea the origin of a brand or term.

Today's brand of "woke" is being rejected en masse. Disney's revenue is down. Target's stock is down. AB InBev is desperately trying to disassociate their Bud Light brand from a marketing campaign which drove beer consumers away in droves, now pushing patriotic themes instead. Argentina and Taiwan just elected nationalist leaders, dealing a huge blow to the leftist global elite. People the world over are fed up.

I get it, you're steadfast in your disagreement with my viewpoints. You might even despise me as a person. These are your God-given rights as an American citizen, as described in our Bill of Rights!

This was supposed to be a thread about young fit women getting obese after entering the workforce.
4 months
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