Me and sweetie's take

Congratulations! Hope you two are happy! smiley
15 years


bellylovinboy wrote:
My favourite is still "Meet the Applegates" when the daughter gets pregnant smiley

That ones cool too!
15 years


I had a look around, is this it? [/quote]

Yes indeed! This is actually run backwards though - the original scene had the witch using magic to pull the baby into the belly of a cow, so it goes from big to small. I'm not sure why being in a cow makes the baby the Beast Master though - should just make him the Cow Master! Not as sexy I guess. smiley

Saw your new drawing today Kulli - very nice!
15 years


gainerJohn wrote:
I absolutely love pregnant women, have done for as long as I can remember. The bigger the belly the better. I actually think this is how my attraction to women with big bellies started.

I'm sure my attraction to pregnant bellies pre-dated my attraction to big female bellies in general.

Anyone remember the 80's flick Beast Master? Completely horrid film, but it had a scene where a witch stole a baby from a hugely pregnant woman. For some reason that belly really did it for me. The context was pretty creepy, but that was definitely the first time I was aroused by a large female belly!
15 years

Broke my first chair in public today! :)

Twitch wrote:
congrats Psyman... Now I want tacos lol. What a nice guy, you even gave a tip. If I was working there I would have given you a high five on that one.

Thanks! smiley
15 years

You don't have a fetish, you're just selfish


I'm glad you have received so many wonderful responses - I enjoyed reading them and I think I learned some things as well!

My two cents worth - I used to subscribe to Psychology Today, but I discovered that it was more like Pop-Psychology Today! Everything was so over-simplified that I found it useless, even as an Intro Psych teacher. Scientific American Mind is much better.

Having said that, the basic definition of paraphilia is correct, but I think there has to be some indication that the paraphilia is preventing you from having sexually fulfilling relationships. We all have things that we "need" in a relationship both physically and emotionally. Your need is just more specific than most. It obviously sounds like you were connecting emotionally with at least some of your partners - you just need to find one who also likes to stuff!

What you need to think about is this: Let's say you find someone who you fall in love with who shares your desires to stuff. You develop a complete relationship (not just one based on the act of stuffing) and both of you are happy and fulfilled. Let's say at some point your partner can no longer stuff - they have gained more weight than is healthy or develop stomach problems. Would you then leave this person? This is the point that your fixation on stuffing would become a problem - if you could work something out that still got you off, then I would say it wasn't a disorder. If not, then finding some help might be in order.

Just a thought - would fantasizing about stuffing your partner be enough to get you off during "normal" sex, even if they weren't stuffed right then? If that works, then I would say you have a solution to your problem.

In my own journey, being male I don't usually have problems getting off - but what has gotten me there most efficiently has changed over the years. I was pretty much trapped in the standard slim, big boobs socially acceptable attractions, but at the same time I found pregnant women sexually interesting (though I have never been with a pregnant woman) but I didn't really see fat women as sexually attractive. Only about a year ago I came across some female water bloating vids and something about it just made me cum harder than I ever had! This led me to stuffing (I totally understand your attraction there - and even as a hetero male I was fascinated by that guy's belly in your link!) and after watching the results of the stuffing - namely lovely jiggling bellies, I came to appreciate large women as well.

However, this appreciation didn't fully develop until I came to accept my own belly. I love to stuff too - although I am fat and it just doesn't show as well! I have always been heavy and always assumed I would be happier skinny. With this acceptance of myself I have come to find a wide range of body styles attractive so all I need to do now is find someone compatible who appreciates my big belly!

I hope that makes sense / helps! smiley
15 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

Update - Just for fun! We are up to 16! If we need more reasons, please feel free to chime in!

Top Ten Reasons Women Should have Fat Boyfriends

#1: He can't say anything if you gain a pound or dozen!
#2: He makes a great pillow!
#3: Somebody that big has to know how to cook!
#4: Cuddle factor = 10.0
#5: He can always keep you warm.
#6: You won't go hungry, because you know he will have food with him.
#7: Even is he does try to run away from you, he won't get very far!
#8: He knows all the best restaurants in town!
#9: You will always look skinny standing next to him!
#10: He'll be spending time with you instead of at the gym!
#11: He's likely to bring you chocolates, though he'll probably want
you to share.
#12: You can play with HIS boobs
(Hairy or not - 4 boobs are better than 2!)
#13: In these days of climate change, he can provide shade on hot days.
#14: You'll never seem like a pig around him, as he will probably
always out-eat you at restaurants.
#15: if someone starts to give you crap, you can tell them that your
man is a sumo wrestler and will sit on them unless they shut
their trap.
#16: strong like ox, but soft and sensuous (at times, lol)

15 years

Broke my first chair in public today! :)

I actually had a really vivid dream last night about breaking a chair. It was kind of weird (as most of my dreams tend to be) but I remember sitting in an antique chair that was my mom's and the thing just shatters - then out of no where, my mom was there saying "that kind of thing has been happening a lot recently, hasn't it?" "Maybe you really out to try to lose some weight." Then I remember thinking, "Oh, great, she has noticed my gains this summer - I was hoping to avoid having to talk to her about it."

After that, it gets kind of garbled, but I remember feeling guilty. smiley

My parents were actually coming for a visit and I had broken the chair at the restaurant recently, so not too surprising that I had a dream about it.

Now, there are about 8 different scientific theories about dreaming, none of which have been proven conclusively, but I like a new theory that has been proposed recently. This theory states that dreams are often (not always) "dress rehearsals" for threatening situations in our lives. Our brains are essentially running subconscious simulations to help us deal with these threatening situations in a "safe" environment. Our brains are running variations on themes that we have encountered in real life, or in our imaginations, that produce stress reactions - thereby helping us to react appropriately when confronted with the actual situation. This would explain why many dreams are negative or disturbing in nature - the more stress we encounter on a particular subject, the more our brains try to "help" by running these training scenarios.

We could imagine our ancestors dreaming about running from saber-tooth tigers, or fighting off aggressive rivals - while what I get is anxiety dreams about breaking chairs! On the other hand, I don't run very fast, so the saber-tooth dreams probably wouldn't be very much fun!

Anyone else for some self-analysis? :o
15 years

Maximum gain in 1 week

I hit a wall after a couple days of stuffing, at some point my body can't process the food as fast as it is coming in and I just have to stop for a while. I've gained 5 pounds in a 4 day period, but that was with unlimited access to the buffet tables! I had to slow down after that though to give my body a chance to catch up!

So, more power to you if you can do it! Don't make yourself sick though. If it stops being fun, stop!
15 years

Gaining advice

skinnytofat wrote:
Thanks, i have already gained 4 pounds using your method =)

Cool! smiley

If you are brave, add in a couple raw eggs - doesn't sound like it would taste better, but it does and adds those extra needed calories! There is a salmonella risk with the consumption of any raw eggs, but I've never had a problem.

If all the dairy is giving you problems, throw in a Banana or two in the blender or even some natural fiber supplement. Protein powder is a good add in too. I know it sounds healthy, but calories are calories - eat more than you burn and you will add fat!
15 years
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