Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

I am the same way. Had eating disorders for years in my teens and twenties, hated my body. Now, it turns me on to think about being humiliated for my gradual and consistent weight gain.
11 years

Fat girl laws

Those rules are hot!
11 years

Weight gain progression photos

ChubbyDebby wrote:
Before @ 120-ish

After @ 160-ish

What a difference a year makes.

You are gorgeous in both pictures, but I like the second one the best. 40 pounds looks good on you.
11 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Ten years ago, I lost about 25 pounds and got down to 140. I was very athletic for a couple of years, but then started putting the weight back on slowly, despite continuing to exercise. I gained it all back plus 15 more, and I am now 180. It was never intentional, but there is definitely something about my psyche that pushes me to get fat. I have been fighting against it my whole life.
12 years

Weight gaining make you horny?

Yes, gaining weight is a turn-on for me. Especially when I am not trying to gain weight and it happens anyway. And I also like being teased/humiliated about it.
12 years
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