Feederism german radio play

So evidently the is a german horror/mystery radio play out there that has heavy feederism undertones. Unfortunately for me, I don't speak german. But here is one of the trailers for it.


If anyone finds an English version or translate, please let me know.
3 years

Advise on being a feeder

What do you do, when you arent getting anything out of your feederistic relationship?
7 years

Advise on being a feeder

I have, we hung out yesterday. She told me she has had a hard time gaining and as her feeder/friend, I want to do everything I can to help reach her goal.
7 years

Advise on being a feeder

So I recently started hanging out with a feedee, who I am helping fatten up. I need advise on life style choices and tips she can use to fatten. Also how the stretch her stomach, Any tips or tricks will be appreciated.
7 years

Cute bisexual feedee girl looking for a dominant feeder for rp/teasing

Mmm, all this is right up my alley, I can play male or female. Message me if you want to get really juicy before someone sinks their teeth into your juicy belly.

P.s. I love your work. The Big Pumpkin and maddie's summer are fantastic.
7 years

Fattening in films

American Horror Story: Freak Story has a carnival fat lady toward the end of the season. I am surprised no one posted this.
8 years

Fattening in films

Just found creepy Alfred Hitchcock episode called consider her ways with a fat main heroin. The main charater wakes up in a hospital and lose her memory. She soon discovers she is a breeder in an all female society where her job is to eat , grow fat and have baby. Enjoy.
9 years

Looking for a model

Well so it isn't just another feeder fattens feeder game. Cool, I love the premise of the game and all the political and idealism. Plus who doesn't like personal force field generators.
9 years
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