Affordable scale

That's a terrible idea. When they would initially step on the first scale with one foot, they'd be putting 800 pounds of force on that one scale, breaking it.

You're right. Haven't thought about it. Do electronic scales even break btw? Or they could survive that with just an "Err" on screen?
5 years

Affordable scale

not too accurate, but affordable life hack would probably be buying 2 regular scales and weight yourself by standing on both of them and adding two numbers together.
there are plenty of cheap electronic ones that go up to 400lbs and 2 of them gives you 800lbs.
5 years

I love fat men when im skinny.. but skinny men when im fat

You might try perceiving it as a size contrast appreciation. If you're getting bigger, then to maintain that difference - you're becoming attracted to someone smaller.

I'm into it, but its kind of works one way for me - I always want to be bigger, like between 2x and 3x weight of a partner.

Never been thin though - so I don't know if I would suddenly become attracted to bigger girls.
6 years

Any way to dull the taste of butter?

well, speaking about guns... look what I found:

that thing would've delivered some radical feeding smiley
also, if you guys really would like to end world hunger - that would be an ultimate weapon for the job.
6 years

Any way to dull the taste of butter?

At some point I just discovered a brand of butter, that was quite pleasant to my taste and I was able to eat small piece of it, which actually tasted nice - non-salty and with cream flavor (chemically enhanced probably). Its not all-fat, just 72.5% and contains palm oil, which might be contributing to its taste.
Needless to say its my favorite now, even though I don't eat it raw, but at least on a toast.
6 years

Fat furry art?

I don't just like it - I draw it... very rarely unfortunately. I project my own feedism and fatness fantasies on anthro furries (just like everyone else there) and it makes them more real, yet still fantasy-ish, because.. you know... anthros %)
And imh fat things are way cuter and better covered with fur smiley
6 years

Anybody know how to quickly fix a button pop?

If the button is sewn on - I'd recommend you to resew it manually and firmly (don't spare the thread). Also you can resew it closer to the edge to give a little bit of extra room.
And you can carry a threaded needle in these shorts (probably put in some container... like a syringe needle cap or smthn) and spare button in case sewn button will break (but at this point I think wearing those would be painfully uncomfortable). So you can excuse yourself to the men's room and just resew it there.

If the button is like in jeans - when those pop they might rip off the fabric and ruin your shorts. But popping those require quite a force, so once again you shouldn't have been wearing shorts that tight by then.

And another option is to just leave it unbuttoned and cover with a belt. I did that and its not that bad. If you have a big overhang - thats an extra bonus there for stealth smiley
6 years

Experiences on vanilla dating sites

Had my ad posted with my honest weight specified. When it went down to like a zillionth page one girl contacted me and I gave it a shot with dating her once.
I didn't really like her. She was like my nerdy reflection in a mirror totally predictable and behaved just like me - somehow that annoyed me. So after that I decided to break relationship until it gone too far. She was upset.
Anyway some time later I learned that she found someone else and things went good for her.
And after some more time I spotted her in a feederism group in local social network... *dun dun duuuun* Haha, I didn't get a single clue she was a FFA smiley But even if I did - lack of that 'click' between personalities wouldn't lead to anything I guess...
So I hope its better that way...
6 years

How often to weigh?

I'd say 2 times per month at most!
Before my scale broke (not under my weight unfortunately) I checked daily and seeing pretty much same numbers every time is kind of frustrating too...
6 years

Ff vs real life... why can't we have the cake and eat it? :-)

I had just one so-so experience... befriended with some girl on local feederism site. Discovered she was kind-of FFA and also into furries art - killer combo for me. My first instant affection ever.
Some time later she told me she had boyfriend, but that didn't quite stopped me from visiting her in other city with a present she asked. Present was extra 12lbs weight on me (this is literally the only time I was able to gain some substantial weight on my own).
I met them both. Her boyfriend was least tall among 3 of us and I think he was weighting no more than this girl. But they were getting along so well that my affection quickly started to decay painfully. The end of that was as awful as it was good in the very beginning. She did start 2 dramas which pissed me off so bad that I dumped her both times, but then she would call back sobering and begging not leaving her because I was such a good friend and stuff. Both times that was very painful and 3rd was really the last. So I think her personality didn't agree with mine so to say.

I don't experience any sexual desire towards girls without knowing that they have FFA tendencies, but still I do feel lonely from time to time and trying speed dating occasionally. I usually have couple of girls who like me. Then if I start dating normally it usually lasts 3 datings tops - then everything just dies down. I dunno - maybe they feel absence of desire and affection... so I see they are losing interest and so do I... and then it ends.

I'm trying to find out any signs that girl might be inclined towards such fetish without asking directly (its still quite awkward for me), but usually it boils down to "it doesn't matter how you look - you're a nice person" and then just stops...

Now I want to just give up on that feederism thing - obviously it doesn't work and also impacts life and health, because endocrinologist discovered that I have mild insulin resistance, which explained my extra weight and sweet cravings. I was prescribed some pills to lower insulin and was recommended to go low-carb and I lost 4lbs in a week already. Hope to continue that way - at least numbers started moving in some direction smiley
8 years
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