Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


5 years
Hey all! I haven't posted in so long. But, I've gone through a lot of life changes, which have subsequently led to lots of weight gain! I've gained at least 30 lbs. I weight about 11...
+30lbs, currently: 155lbs, goal: 120lbs
4 entries
Yesterday I went for a follow up with the weight loss surgeon. I had not been back since I started re-gaining my weight. I had to wear clothes that were very tight since my hubby won’t give me my...
+11lbs, currently: 232lbs, goal: 350lbs
16 entries
Been gaining for almost a year now and im currently members of couple different feeder sites, but new to this one! Lets chat if you want just hit me up ! :) My total gains have been about 30lbs...
+30lbs, currently: 195lbs, goal: 230lbs
1 entry
5 years
It has been now a little over year when I started my antidepression medication and my weight gain started. Meds messed up my metabolism but also I didnt have much energy to exercise or be active. A...
+10lbs, currently: 198lbs, goal: 0lbs
5 entries
Gained over 30 pounds!
+30lbs, currently: 313lbs, goal: 0lbs
2 entries
5 years
Gaining slowly
+1lbs, currently: 248lbs, goal: 260lbs
35 entries
5 years
I quit sports and have gained 14 pounds since I haven’t been active for the past 3 months
+14lbs, currently: 164lbs, goal: 200lbs
1 entry
5 years
xmas gainz
+7lbs, currently: 182lbs, goal: 230lbs
1 entry
5 years
my mother in law fed me well....
+11lbs, currently: 171lbs, goal: 0lbs
3 entries
5 years
I'm gaining much faster than I ever have and I'm sure it's because I'm actually trying hell yeah
+3lbs, currently: 169lbs, goal: 200lbs
1 entry