Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


7 years
new year new me
+5lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 200lbs
2 entries
7 years
I'm officially passed the point of no return, I made an honey heartfelt attempt to stop gaining, and it failed miserably. I deleted all my pics and started going to he gym again. I ate healt...
+0lbs, currently: 210lbs, goal: 350lbs
9 entries
7 years
On my way to 180 =D
+0lbs, currently: 154lbs, goal: 180lbs
1 entry
7 years
+3lbs, currently: 260lbs, goal: 700lbs
2 entries
7 years
I never used to care for sugar much. At Walmart they have the packages of Reeses PBC with ten in each package. I ate a whole package last night. Today so Far i have eaten on by noon. and plan t...
+2lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 150lbs
5 entries
7 years
I've been having an excuse for eating more and fattier foods due to the holidays. My clothes and specifically my underwear already were tight and now i gained 6 pounds over last week it is tig...
+6lbs, currently: 142lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Off to a good start
+20lbs, currently: 220lbs, goal: 400lbs
1 entry
8 years
I constantly ate until I felt full then started eating a few hours later and kept doing this for 3 weeks and now I have passed my goal I. Celebrated with 10 pizzas and 9 2L coke bottles then a big ...
+26lbs, currently: 406lbs, goal: 799lbs
14 entries
I haven't gained any weight since my last entry, which is really unfortunate. It's also why I'm writing this gainer journal a week after Thanksgiving, because I debated on even posti...
+0lbs, currently: 243lbs, goal: 650lbs
16 entries
8 years
Because of extreme financial difficulties (I lost all I had because of a job I had found through a "miracle" in a context where I couldn't find any job, despite of a PhD), I had to r...
+8lbs, currently: 264lbs, goal: 440lbs
3 entries