Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


12 years blog: let me start out by saing how much i love food.its amazing and i'm tired of depriving myself of it.i also love the feeling of gaining weight.i love rubbing my great big round tummmy ...
+0lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 340lbs
1 entry
13 years
Haven't updated in awhile, so here's what we've missed - spent the holidays with my wonderful feeder girlfriend, and we got a pound away from the twenty-pound mark! Was very close to ha...
+0lbs, currently: 130lbs, goal: 180lbs
5 entries
13 years
I've been gaining more steadily now, up to 175 lbs last Monday and i've gained more since then. This weekend is all about binging, starting... right now! let's see how fat i can get ...
+0lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 190lbs
3 entries
Well it took a couple of weeks but I've gained back all I lost and am once again sitting at 120kg. Feels good to be gaining again, I literally get saddened when I lose weight. Hopefully I'l...
+0lbs, currently: 319lbs, goal: 280lbs
2 entries
13 years
Hey guys, just thought I'd start off my first blog..if you wanna know about me watch this video :
+0lbs, currently: 224lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
13 years
i couldn't help but look in the mirror yesterday without calling myself a fatty. i was sitting on my friends couch and they could help but stare at my massive gut and that i'm getting wide...
+0lbs, currently: 250lbs, goal: 600lbs
2 entries
Well I finally learned that I'm definitely over 400 now, not sure how far over though, its really complicated when scales only go up to 350 and 400 to learn this stuff though. But ive gotten pr...
+0lbs, currently: 500lbs, goal: 600lbs
1 entry
13 years
Since my last blog post I've gained about 30lbs. Bringing my weight from 480lbs to 511lbs. Seems to be going well I'd say.
+0lbs, currently: 590lbs, goal: 550lbs
3 entries
13 years
I started gaining when I was about 170ish, and I blew up pretty well lol... I'm about 210ish now, and I've gotten use to my moobs :D
+0lbs, currently: 180lbs, goal: 250lbs
1 entry