Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


10 months
Woke up and weighed in this morning at 299.6 pounds. So after filling up I should definitely be over 300 mark and then just have to make it stick
+9lbs, currently: 299lbs, goal: 500lbs
3 entries
10 months
Officially at obesity class II. Never thought i would reach that.
+1lbs, currently: 218lbs, goal: 220lbs
40 entries
10 months
I'm so close to hitting 200kgs! I never did that before and I really eanna make it. The next couple of months I'm gonna try my best.
+4lbs, currently: 426lbs, goal: 494lbs
6 entries
10 months
it's a start I guess
+2lbs, currently: 131lbs, goal: 200lbs
2 entries
10 months
Since my last entry, I’ve gained approximately 15 pounds; I’m well on my way to my goal of 300, and who knows? Maybe I’ll want to gain even more…
+15lbs, currently: 260lbs, goal: 300lbs
2 entries
10 months
Basically I'm just eating and drinking as many calories as possible and loading all of my food up with butter. I'm soft everywhere, I have a tummy pooch, a double-chin, chubby cheeks, a v...
+2lbs, currently: 124lbs, goal: 160lbs
2 entries
10 months
Weight - 281.2, up from 279.1 last week Belly: 55" Chest: 47" Butt: 51" Thighs: 32" Arms:18"
+2lbs, currently: 281lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries
10 months
Since becoming April, I started to gain weight!
+18lbs, currently: 220lbs, goal: 400lbs
1 entry
10 months
I'm currently 4 days into my trial cycle using double cream to gain weight, and have been hovering around 160lbs despite overeating every day (aiming for 2k+ calorie surplus per day). Before ...
-3lbs, currently: 160lbs, goal: 172lbs
1 entry
10 months
Well I am now the heaviest I have ever been and the strangest thing is that I do not feel as heavy as I am. I still have great mobility, I can walk distances albeit a little slower than I used ...
+30lbs, currently: 320lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries