Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
Woke up and weighed in this morning at 299.6 pounds. So after filling up I should definitely be over 300 mark and then just have to make it stick
+9lbs, currently: 299lbs, goal: 500lbs
3 entries
Officially at obesity class II. Never thought i would reach that.
+1lbs, currently: 218lbs, goal: 220lbs
40 entries
I'm so close to hitting 200kgs! I never did that before and I really eanna make it. The next couple of months I'm gonna try my best.
+4lbs, currently: 426lbs, goal: 494lbs
6 entries
it's a start I guess
+2lbs, currently: 131lbs, goal: 200lbs
2 entries
Since my last entry, I’ve gained approximately 15 pounds; I’m well on my way to my goal of 300, and who knows? Maybe I’ll want to gain even more…
+15lbs, currently: 260lbs, goal: 300lbs
2 entries
Basically I'm just eating and drinking as many calories as possible and loading all of my food up with butter. I'm soft everywhere, I have a tummy pooch, a double-chin, chubby cheeks, a v...
+2lbs, currently: 124lbs, goal: 160lbs
2 entries
Weight - 281.2, up from 279.1 last week
Belly: 55"
Chest: 47"
Butt: 51"
Thighs: 32"
+2lbs, currently: 281lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries
Since becoming April, I started to gain weight!
+18lbs, currently: 220lbs, goal: 400lbs
1 entry
I'm currently 4 days into my trial cycle using double cream to gain weight, and have been hovering around 160lbs despite overeating every day (aiming for 2k+ calorie surplus per day). Before ...
-3lbs, currently: 160lbs, goal: 172lbs
1 entry
Well I am now the heaviest I have ever been and the strangest thing is that I do not feel as heavy as I am.
I still have great mobility, I can walk distances albeit a little slower than I used ...
+30lbs, currently: 320lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries