Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
Did belly measurements and after letting the fatty foods digest and let it distribute around my body my belly grew a whole 5 cm!! Weight gain of 3 kg / 6lbs
+6lbs, currently: 215lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries
No wonder considering that I'm doing stuff like drinking maple syrup or eating a whole cake plus coke in the middle of the night
+6lbs, currently: 389lbs, goal: 799lbs
1 entry
Piggy gained 8 lb how should piggy celebrate tell me in the comments
+8lbs, currently: 208lbs, goal: 280lbs
1 entry
drinking lots of heavy cream and being a lazy pig. feeling extra jiggly around my ass
+30lbs, currently: 230lbs, goal: 799lbs
1 entry
hi i trying to gain weight
+30lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 105lbs
1 entry
I have been addicted to food for the past few months and put on so much weight
+17lbs, currently: 163lbs, goal: 170lbs
1 entry
My fiance no longer will be intimate with me. He says he doesn't like fwt chick's....found out my wide peice knew that and started putting heavy cream and gainer in everything so he'...
+30lbs, currently: 200lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
About time I updated my weight on here
+30lbs, currently: 440lbs, goal: 550lbs
2 entries
Since last year I've gained around 15lbs. Not much but when your underweight (or now "was") it's a great beginning. Love to play with my belly.
+15lbs, currently: 123lbs, goal: 176lbs
1 entry
I wanna finish off the heavy cream (about 8oz) & the 7 bottles of boost plus I have (360 cals each). I just want to feel & look a little wider. I may buy another case of boost plus dependin...
+0lbs, currently: 152lbs, goal: 150lbs
9 entries