Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


Been cycling binge eating episodes and snacking days and i've already packed on 7 pounds! 8 more and i'll be back at my peak of 190!
+7lbs, currently: 182lbs, goal: 250lbs
3 entries
I weighed 228 today! I’ve been stuffing myself so much. I went to two weddings and I may have embarrassed myself with how much I ate.
+30lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
I had such a big craving for sushi I had no self control today, 45 pieces and still going my belly is big and swollen 😍🙌🏻
+0lbs, currently: 330lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
I want to become a Huge Fat Obeast Hog Monstrosity aiming at currently 300... then who knows with the right mutual gay gainer 350, 400....
+0lbs, currently: 270lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
I tried stuffing myself all week with food that I really enjoy and it paid off a little bit but hey some first steps in gaining and being able to eat more to achieve my weight goal.
+1lbs, currently: 171lbs, goal: 250lbs
2 entries
I'm really bad in gaining on my own... I definitely need a feeder. Or a feedee that I can fatten up
+0lbs, currently: 194lbs, goal: 799lbs
1 entry
...because I'm around roommates that aren't as into this stuff (or at all, LBR). Hoping to pick up steadily when I move into my own place, but before then, I'll take the gains and lo...
+0lbs, currently: 285lbs, goal: 375lbs
1 entry
Well this is wild 275.4lbs of pure beefy thickness 💪🥩🔥
+15lbs, currently: 275lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Back in school I was the chubby kid. I felt ashamed of myself. I slowly managed to drop some weight in my early 20s all the way down to about 80kg (176lbs). But then slowly I began to appreciate my...
+30lbs, currently: 300lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
1 year
It's felt really good being able to stuff myself silly with all sorts of fattening foods and it's really starting to show. I've gained over 12 pounds in the span of about 3 weeks and...
+2lbs, currently: 174lbs, goal: 204lbs
7 entries