Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


1 year
Started eating what i want about 9 months ago. Now I'm ready to start committing to it.
+30lbs, currently: 165lbs, goal: 200lbs
1 entry
being lazy isn't helping probably but i don't care enough :Ь
+16lbs, currently: 130lbs, goal: 100lbs
1 entry
Was about 280 last Oct 2022 so up about 50 lbs since then, after losing some weight last year. Now back up to 330 and still deciding how I feel about it. . Still love being a woman with curves in a...
+30lbs, currently: 330lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
I have not gotten to my target gain this week but I think fast food and shakes has been adding up my belly flaps, lol. Let’s see how the next week goes. I hope I get to be more encouraged to stuf...
+30lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 101lbs
1 entry
I can't wait to show off my big birthday week binge belly! The week's not over, and neither is my eating! This week I have eaten 3 cheeseburgers, a large fry, 4 Jimmy Dean breakfast sandw...
+4lbs, currently: 295lbs, goal: 0lbs
3 entries
1 year
I started getting more into gaining, especially after a little encouragement and comments on how good I would look fat. Unfortunately, due to my job I’m very physically active and have to stay in...
+0lbs, currently: 240lbs, goal: 350lbs
1 entry
I am stuck around 280 but stuffing myself silly to grow this belly bigger. Wish I had some help from a mutual gainer so we could both get HUGE together
+30lbs, currently: 281lbs, goal: 530lbs
2 entries
1 year
2 months since my last update and I have been eating like crazy trying to finally get to my goal. And luckily, it’s all payed off. I’ve overshot my goal by 3 lbs and I’m elated. Going to plan...
+13lbs, currently: 353lbs, goal: 350lbs
14 entries
1 year
I'm bigger than ever, starting to really feel it
+30lbs, currently: 290lbs, goal: 330lbs
3 entries
Been a while since I've been on here but I've been eating non-stop, I am pushing 300lbs! I just need someone to help this go faster
+22lbs, currently: 298lbs, goal: 450lbs
3 entries