Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
Right now, I am obese. I have been for a while now, but just forgot to update this, haha.
Currently, I am the fattest i have ever been and I'm eating the most food I ever have, too! Enough ...
+7lbs, currently: 195lbs, goal: 202lbs
5 entries
I gained 6 lbs this week. I honestly thought I took it easy after my 3 week binge.
+5lbs, currently: 210lbs, goal: 260lbs
3 entries
It's been a while y'all. This is my second time breaching the quarter ton mark but I've overshot my previous goal by 20 lbs this time. Simply weighing 500 lbs just wasn't enough...
+30lbs, currently: 520lbs, goal: 500lbs
18 entries
Been a while
+30lbs, currently: 160lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Today’s my first day in charting my weight gain I have love hate relationship with my belly and moobs and I’m trying to change that it’s hard sometimes but it’s always helps that I find pl...
+30lbs, currently: 379lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Heyo I've officially hit 290 !!!!! I plan on hitting 300 by the end of July, wish me luck !!
+30lbs, currently: 290lbs, goal: 350lbs
2 entries
Hitting 230 is a HUGE, momentous occasion for me. 1, I've waited to be over 230 for the last 5 years, and 2. It shouldn't have taken tnis long.
+10lbs, currently: 232lbs, goal: 0lbs
11 entries
Really happy to see a small increase even though I have been very physically active and have not had time to eat a lot. The encouragement and admiration I get on this site is definitely helping
+30lbs, currently: 215lbs, goal: 350lbs
3 entries
Finally some progress. Cant wait for another 10lb
+11lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 400lbs
1 entry
I stopped trying to gain a little while after my first entry and dropped back down to 110lbs, but after weighing myself again recently I’m at my highest ever! Must’ve been all that chocolate ov...
+9lbs, currently: 119lbs, goal: 175lbs
2 entries