
Burlington, New Jersey, United States  
Bdude08 2 years
reply to forum post
someone tease me
Totally down for this smiley Feel free to message me
Bdude08 3 years
Tipsy and chatty smiley
Bdude08 5 years
Ever just crave fat chat with a woman in a particular moment?? That's me right now...
Bdude08 5 years
Anyone awake???
Bdude08 8 years
Is it still considered a midnight snack if it's after midnight...?
Bdude08 8 years
Any ladies up for chatting? Send me a message
Bdude08 8 years
I feel like all I've done is eat the past few days.
Bdude08 8 years
Holy crap. Ate way too much pizza. But it was delicious
Bdude08 8 years
Bored to death at work. Anyone want to chat and keep me company?
Bdude08 8 years
Intoxicated and wanting to chat. Message me if you'd like to talk.
Bdude08 8 years
Finally made it down the shore. Sitting on the deck drinking a beer in this cool weather. Life is good.
Bdude08 8 years
In a chatty mood. Hit me up on kick or message me if you're up for talking
Bdude08 8 years
A little tipsy and wishing there were more women around my area who love to eat and be stuffed. This area is seriously lacking....
Bdude08 8 years
Drunk and chatty. Message me if you'd like to talk
Bdude08 8 years
So stuffed. Fresh salmon, brown rice and broccoli. Ate way too much for my own good.
Bdude08 8 years
My current level of boredom is through the roof. Someone message me and entertain me.
Bdude08 9 years
Good morning. Anyone up for chatting? Message me
Bdude08 9 years
The correct term would probably be chunky dunking, sophie
Bdude08 9 years
The urge to feed is high right now.
Bdude08 9 years
Wide awake and bored. Message me if you're up for chatting.
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