
Austin, Texas, United States  
Taylor 8 months
Kind of embarrassing but I’m at my happiest when I’m stuffed😮‍💨
Rufatyet2 8 months
You're not alone.
ATLien_Feeder 8 months
Getting *big!*
Pjones0208 7 months
Taylor 8 months
about to pop this button at McDonald’s
Taylor 10 months
Feeling prego
Pjones0208 10 months
Taylorrrr check dm pls
Mike12 8 months
of course looking prego ;p
Rufatyet2 8 months
Taylor 10 months
In the McDonald’s line ofc 😅
Rufatyet2 8 months
More of your fat belly will show in an hour or so 😉😍
Taylor 1 year
So much to grab
Theguy1 1 year
Ur getting huge smiley
Ihasbelly 1 year
Very nice!
Taylor 1 year
There’s really no hiding this gut anymore
Bassofthesea25 1 year
Would love to keep filling that belly full of calories, You would look good 50 pounds heavier 🤭
Mike12 8 months
if you got it ;p
Rufatyet2 8 months
Fat spilling over the sides 😋
Fatfunfan 8 months
Fortunately, it's not something that needs to be hidden.
Atxfeeder 18 hours
You are literally perfect, please get online lol
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