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updateI know it’s been forever I got in a car wreck and I haven’t been doing much but eating I broke my chair the other day and I don’t fit into anything not just clothes but I am almost to 480!
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can’t stopJust haven’t been doing anything at all I’m stress free and been eating like a pig my belly is hurting by how full it is sorry I keep forgetting to update y’all but I am still gaining my bell...
Had an annual check up yesterday, and the doctor told me I can not be eating like I have been or I’ll keep gaining too much weight. pretty obvious if you ask me I liked what he told me. I wore a cropped top and tight jeans so he could see all my fat folds. After the appointment I stuffed myself at the Chinese buffet.
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made (it a little over😅)Have not stopped eating at work and at home. I have at least have been getting 3200-3800 calories per day for the past month or so and I am currently celebrating with a large cake and two pints of ...
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monthly updateVery close to 400. My belly is getting so big, to a point where I can barely bend over. Also everytime I do I can’t go without breathing up a storm. I look so wide sitting down now I take up majo...
Would you consider me fat if I drank 3 cartons of heavy cream In one setting like it was water?
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holiday updateBeen spending all my time and money staying nice and fat over the holidays. Almost there I just got to keep pushing and eating. My bulging belly is still sore.🥲
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okay thanksgiving/updateAte a ton over the past couple of months. I’ve been keeping the belly packed full. I’ve had so much to eat over thanksgiving too. My belly has only expanded, and a lot of other parts of me as w...
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oopsI lost some weight by accident. I wasn’t stuffing myself as much as I should, however I just ate over five pounds of Chinese food. still a little hungry, so I am getting back on track. I’ll alw...