
Conover, North Carolina, United States  
PositiveFA 3 weeks
PositiveFA 3 weeks
What brought about your fat fetish and when?
I think mine was a part of me since I was as young as 4 when first forming memories. I remember watching weight gain in cartoons as a kid and that awakening something within me; however, I had alwa...
New topic in General forum
PositiveFA 3 weeks
PositiveFA 4 months
PositiveFA 4 months
PositiveFA 4 months
Hungry BBWs are the most beautiful people on Earth! 🥰
PositiveFA 5 months
PositiveFA 5 months
Nature versus nurture?
Nurture can definitely enhance the nature of fetishes I’m sure. 🙂
New forum post
PositiveFA 5 months
Nature versus nurture?
Nice! 🙂
New forum post
PositiveFA 5 months
Nature versus nurture?
Intriguing! Thank you for sharing!
New forum post
PositiveFA 5 months
Nature versus nurture?
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences! I’m “HEAVILY” (pun intended) inclined to perceive “Nature” as more in my direction. I think my brain hit the very uncommon feederism s...
New forum post
PositiveFA 5 months
Nature versus nurture?
I’ve known about my feederism fetish since age 4. I have always wondered if it came more from Nature or Nuture. I had loving Mother who was overweight and didn’t diet, but that’s about it. It...
New topic in General forum
PositiveFA 5 months
PositiveFA 12 months
PositiveFA 12 months
PositiveFA 12 months
Long distances
Y’all are cool! 😀. It’s fun to fantasize ya know, even though the real deal will always be (or seem) better.
New forum post
PositiveFA 12 months
PositiveFA 12 months
How’s it all “hangin”? 😏😏😏
PositiveFA 1 year
PositiveFA 1 year
I wish more people were at least tolerant of fetishists with uncommon to rare fetishes.
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