
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
hahahahaa good plan
Layla 12 years
phew still on 2 bil
Layla 12 years
so what is the limit ? no one has answered ?
Layla 12 years
congratulations ! you go glen coco !!
Layla 12 years
oooooo burn
Layla 12 years
sort of anyway stop creeping me out you big creepy FA
Layla 12 years
good of course no one can be bad with delicious pie all up in their moufs
Layla 12 years
dont give me that look !! I do what I want
Layla 12 years
getting high and eating pieee
Layla 12 years
what new pic
Layla 12 years
hahaha my friend keeps asking me to go with her to get slimming wraps done hahah.. awkwaaarddd
Layla 12 years
mmmm call me fat more baby im almost there
Layla 12 years
there was a politican that sniffed a womans chair in my state.... is that you ?
Layla 12 years
eww whos smelling women
Layla 12 years
ok so no more shoutbox complaining then
Layla 12 years
it doesnt matter, people might have missed your message or been too busy or anything
Layla 12 years
yeah but I see it literally everyday, people on here need to learn that no one is obligated to reply
Layla 12 years
ugh people complaining in the shoutbox about people not talking to them is realllyyyyyy getting old
Layla 12 years
you dirty sneak you
Layla 12 years
noooo I like penis