
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
and not the ones on your face.. noo Kid A i dont want to floss with your pubes again
Layla 12 years
its not about how cool you are its about how soft your lips are
Layla 12 years
you have to nair this time though hahaha
Layla 12 years
not you.. Kid A obviously hahahaa
Layla 12 years
come smoke heaps of weed with me in my shed and then we can make out
Layla 12 years
like i understand you shouldnt post photos of it or like talk about it incessantly but sometimes its vital to explanations
Layla 12 years
i dont think it really matters who, it was before the rule was implemented and i dont want them to get in trouble i just think its weird that now its not allowed
Layla 12 years
also what if youre in cali and have a medical card, then its not illegal and i think it says it in the rules em
Layla 12 years
since when is a fetish webiste public and also since when does the subjects you talk about determine your intelligence
Layla 12 years
I think if something increases your appetite it helped make you fat and yeah i dunno em its weird to me too since i saw a mod smoking it on cam once
Layla 12 years
and oh cant forget how some of the mods are blatantly biased about comments and obviously just want certain people off the site
Layla 12 years
shit in terms that everything is becoming censored, you cant even mention weed anymore which is stupid since like... weed made me fat !!
Layla 12 years
when did this site turn to shit, im actually considering joining curvage hahahahaa
Layla 12 years
skinny isnt synonymous with hot
Layla 12 years
Im right at the start, and its the first onee and i have it on easy hahaha I cant shoot all these people they are too quick
Layla 12 years
hey !! im doing ok but im playing uncharted and im stuckkk smiley
Layla 12 years
I took some pics today aswell !.... of my dog hahaa
Layla 12 years
and thanks smiley
Layla 12 years
hahahah only fat ones
Layla 12 years
you should steal candy from babies because babies arent supposed to bloody eat candy