
Tampa, Florida, United States  
Growingsofter 3 years
You're getting really soft and textured hun.
NocturnalDev... 3 years
To add to that, FF messaged ME to make "premium" content so obviously I was doing something right!!! I still just can't believe someone would tell me I shouldn't post here as a comment on a photo that I got 14 positive comments on!!! It makes me really want to delete my account on here!!!!
R3nuk 3 years
Please don’t leave because of the 1% of idiots ... not when even the site clearly wants you to keep posting 🙃
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Thank you so much for your sweet comments💖
NocturnalDev... 3 years
I know there are trolls but I'm still just so pissed that someone commented on my photo that I shouldn't post here anymore because I'm "skinny as hell"! And then they deleted it before I had a chance to even say anything back! Thankfully one of my friends on here told me about it. That is ridiculous, this isn't Curvage, I could be posting on here for a gainer guy who likes thinner women to look at, and even on Curvage I have over 2000 followers. So *** you fucking trolls!!! And another one commented on my tattoos saying that they looked like burns! So if anyone wants to complain about women leaving and deleting their accounts, blame those assholes!!!! I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does, this isn't a community, it's b.s. since it cateres to men who want to control women by feeding them into obesity just for their own sexual satisfaction and then leaving them when they get too big. Sorry I don't want to participate in that!!!
Emmanuela 3 years
You are very beautiful!
Shadow_Runs 3 years
I’m sorry you had to deal with such a pathetic person and useless (but hurtful) comment. We all know comments like these come from people who are either terrible in personality or where they are in life right now, and we all also know that their views don’t represent what most people out there think (which hopefully doesn’t matter anyway! - what YOU think is what counts!).

But, even though we know these things, comments like these often affect us negatively when they shouldn’t, and stay with us despite being unwelcome. So, for the avoidance of doubt, in my opinion you have every right to post on this website and you belong here just as much as the next person. The tattoo comment is truly disgusting but definitely not true, and I’m sure most people on this website would comfortably agree with me.

Whenever I’ve had to deal with vulgar and spiteful comments in the past, I always question whether it is more likely the comment was made because it was true, or because it just made the person feel better and me feel worse (but is not true). In extreme cases like this it is almost always the latter.
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Thank you so much for your responses💖
Chvowski 3 years
you are straight up my favorite poster on here.
NocturnalDev... 3 years
reply to forum post
are female feeders unicorns?
I think I’m definitely a unicorn because I’m actually just attracted to fat people and don’t feel turned on by making a thin person fat. I never realized that feederism is SO MUCH more comm...
NocturnalDev... 3 years
This is probably my favorite of all the jeans photos because my chest sticks out really far but you can still tell how porky and overfed I am! That is my favorite look, big boobs and soft jiggly belly!
Chas831 3 years
Wow, imagine being such a prick you feel the need to leave a negative comment on someone else's picture! Like they've been forced to look at your pics or something... 🤣
NocturnalDev... 3 years
With a personality like that no wonder you're "lonely for ass"!
Since when are burn scars blue and aqua?
NocturnalDev... 3 years
I just love this outfit and how fat my belly looks in it!
NocturnalDev... 3 years
These jeans used to be loose!
Growingsofter 3 years
No more hun. Soon they won't even button
NocturnalDev... 3 years
I was feeling sexy last night with my soft little pot belly hanging out!
NocturnalDev... 3 years
So much fatty overhang! Maybe my belly really has gotten too big!?
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Did these jeans shrink in the dryer? Lol
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Maybe, just maybe I'm getting a little too porky for cropped tops?
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