
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
im sorry monstur did you say you're alone in chat ?? wow that new rule is really working LOL
Layla 12 years
haha woops bit late but yes they are the red milk truffle ones !! CANT WAIT SO EXCITE
Layla 12 years
I just ordered a display box of lindt chocolates off of ebay LOL its got 60 in it hahahaaha
Layla 12 years
no you can be an elf... or a orc hahaa
Layla 12 years
Yes !! Me please , one of the weird ones ! Ill be a wizard and you be the dragon !!!
Layla 12 years
I know joker cuz im too good to be trueee hahaah smiley
Layla 12 years
me toooo
Layla 12 years
Seargant you had basically the same idea I did, that there should be a limit on how many photos you can view without gold
Layla 12 years
God am I the only one that just loves a bit of drama hahaa
Layla 12 years
hahhaa well it takes its time to do the wink so its understandable hahaa
Layla 12 years
It's actually a winking face
Layla 12 years
key word being NOW
and if thats the way you you feel why not buy your gold anyway
like a donation smiley
Layla 12 years
Layla 12 years
Ruby Im sorry but I remember seeing you specifically say that if it wasnt for getting gold free as a mod you wouldnt be able to afford it so think if you werent a mod how you would feel about this cha
Layla 12 years
Imma spoon the sh*t outta you princess !
Layla 12 years
3 people HAHAHHAAAA that's just sad, before this was implemented id never seen it with less than like 7 in it
Layla 12 years
yeah to lock a thread and then unlock it so a mate can make their point is just ridiculous and its shit like this that makes me never want to renew my gold again, so good job ff you just lost more mon
Layla 12 years
this place is just a damn mess
Layla 12 years
Layla 12 years
Dankii you're right !! we already have another chat room cranking hahaa