
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
hahah dont worry I call everyone playyaaa and nah none in my state yet smiley x
Layla 12 years
hahah oooo happy birthday !! that means youre a saggitarius like meeee yayyyy smiley x
Layla 12 years
I am reaaaallllll
Layla 12 years
heheheheh not fake westside.. just.. different smiley x
Layla 12 years
I want a man that will let me smoke both weed and cigarettes in bed
Layla 12 years
sup playyaa
Layla 12 years
Here is the best one hehehe
Layla 12 years
hahaha joker that trifle was way too good to share !! and Uber I tire of this now, it sounds like you're still in highschool and maybe shouldn't be on this Over 18 site in the first place
Layla 12 years
hahahahaha maybe you should get fat and then you might not like that song as much hahahahaa
Layla 12 years
for example, I now like Die Antwoord when 2 years ago when I was slim I did't, and you know why, because I went to a concert and saw them.. nothing to do with my new weight
Layla 12 years
But you dont have evidence that the change in taste was because of the weight gain, it could have been that they were introduced to it
Layla 12 years
No this is a fetish webiste
not a social group
Layla 12 years
I don't know where you go to school, but you're not learning
Layla 12 years
and you say ' try to fit in'....who the hell are you talking about here ?
High school girls ? When you're an adult there is no 'fitting in', because theyre are no groups DER
Layla 12 years
I was fat in school, then got skinny, then got fat again and my my music taste has stayed the same and Ive only been aware of this community for 2 years
Layla 12 years
LOL that is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard
Layla 12 years
Well I guess over here we don't judge people by what they're wearing and slap labels on them smiley
Layla 12 years
so is hipster a bad thing ? and did you make this word up so you can call people it ? because ive never heard of this label
Layla 12 years
so having a tumblr and wearing glasses of a large size make you a hipster ? are just.. so.. ugh
Layla 12 years