Darkpaladin, come to the chat room if you want to chat man
Caine14 years
HAI AMATRIX! you busy tonight?
Caine14 years
Hey JuicyJacqulyn, whats up for you tonight?
Caine14 years
Hey Becka, whats and how are you, haven't seen you on in a while
Caine14 years
Seems to be the case with alot of people I know lol
Caine14 years
congratz Angie, sounds liek you've been leveling up a storm
Caine14 years
ROFL! how funny
Caine14 years
Hey Snosh6
Caine14 years
always go with Optical, way better response time
Caine14 years
Hey Amatrix! whats up?
Caine14 years
Fat Sassy and Hungry? sounds like a perfect combo fatcutiebigbooty
Caine14 years
HAI Amatrix!
Caine14 years
Hi fatcutiebigbooty
Caine14 years
Hey Sassy Big Momma whats up
Caine14 years
whats up for you tonight Amatrix?
Caine14 years
HAI Amatrix!
Caine14 years
Night Amatrix, sleep well
Caine14 years
Caine14 years
its only 11 and I have trouble sleeping, otherwise I'd be in bed by now lol, but I seem to be stuck falling asleep at 3 AM right now, trying to get it to 2 AM