
Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom  
Harmony 10 years
Harmony 10 years
i think i'll stick to creme eggs @sagino
Harmony 10 years
the best is when they bring out the halloween ones and then they get reduced to like 20p and i buy like 20....
Harmony 10 years
creme eggs................hold on while i salivate
Harmony 10 years
lucky charms are amazing !!
Harmony 10 years
yeah, like 2 quid for one in american candy shops ! nope
Harmony 10 years
it still breaks my heart i never got to try a twinkie !
Harmony 10 years
comparison pic up !
Harmony 10 years
Harmony 10 years
me, without hp sauce eww
Harmony 10 years
no, but i'd like the fantasy of someone making me a fry-up over and over.
Harmony 10 years
thanks : ))
Harmony 10 years
new pic !
Harmony 10 years
baking as in hot LOL
Harmony 10 years
Harmony 10 years
we people of the internet do well
Harmony 10 years
it's soooo warm !
Harmony 10 years
put some older pictures uppp
Harmony 10 years
HAHAHAHA best description of me ever paladin
Harmony 10 years