
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
Why the hell am I still awake ????
Layla 12 years
I may have had a taddd too much le vodkaa hahah
Layla 12 years
Oooo I want to be famous.. actually... just rich hahaha
Layla 12 years
Hahaha do you think ?? thankss smiley x
Layla 12 years
Hey creeepyyy smiley
Layla 12 years
Just went for like an hour long walk, it was horrid !!!!
Layla 12 years
Ok haha you smell and your hairstyle is outdated LOL jjks
Layla 12 years
I is what I is hahaha
Layla 12 years
111 days hahaha thats foreverrrr I want my presents NOW
Layla 12 years
I would also like some fries.. wait ..
Layla 12 years
Hehehe but your so cute when you go into admin mode heheh
Layla 12 years
also Raz no one probably wants to chat to you from when you were all like ' they should be lucky I want to talk to them'
Layla 12 years
Where is tubbykins ????
Layla 12 years
Hahahaha 'Your lucky I even WANT to talk with you' LOL LOL LOL
Layla 12 years
Hahah ouchh what happened
Layla 12 years
I have ..fake eylashes ? smiley
Layla 12 years
I think www.Laylagetssamwichedbet ?hahaha
Layla 12 years
I say do it smiley x
Layla 12 years
Can you do a video of you half on half off a fence to describe sort of how you feel about this biggie ?
Layla 12 years
what ya all up to ?