
Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom  
Harmony 10 years
nothing is wrong with pale.. i just like having a tan ?
Harmony 10 years
hahaha i need a real tan! i'm as pale as they come...
Harmony 10 years
major sunburn, thats what you get for wearing a bikini harmony : p
Harmony 10 years
omg i am in heaven.. a giant french fancy..
Harmony 10 years
omg seriously !
Harmony 10 years
hahaa they're tiny !
Harmony 10 years
i think i have an addiction to french fancies.......
Harmony 10 years
does it really matter what size we all are if we're HAPPY ?
Harmony 10 years
new pic wickity wick wick
Harmony 10 years
omg it's just too hot
Harmony 10 years
what constitutes as fun ?
Harmony 10 years
hahaha !
Harmony 10 years
so bored i could cry
Harmony 10 years
cookie dough ice cream mmm
Harmony 10 years
new pic.
Harmony 10 years
new pic up !
Harmony 10 years
I have 4th of july themed nails, i'm a rebel.
Harmony 10 years
you've called me a fatty about 50 times today GOD
Harmony 10 years
you're still a loser.
Harmony 10 years
Interesting 4 hour phonecall with @Grant earlier mwahahaha