
El Segundo, California, United States  
Mrfeedugood 6 years
You have gotten much bigger and it's beautiful
Stillnoname 6 years
I need to gain a few pounds quickly. Help?
Mega Fatty 6 years
Double cream works
Stillnoname 6 years
I'm having trouble being confident with my new weight. I know many of you would still say I'm skinny but with a 30 pound gain I just dont feel comfortable in some clothes anymore
MrAwesome 86 6 years
Maybe try experimenting with some different brands and sizes and see if that helps
Stillnoname 6 years
Its more so like... I feel like I look fat in crop tops or low rise Jean's.... then I look too skinny for other stuff...
Stillnoname 6 years
Stillnoname 6 years
This? Thick....naw not yet
Stillnoname 6 years
Stillnoname 6 years
Do levi's run small or am i just getting chubby
Rubarbstreet 6 years
Looking at your incredible belly you might want to get rid of the "getting" in that sentence, hehe.
Stillnoname 6 years
Derraabe 6 years
Wow, hot!!!! One more bite and you'll pop! I love it!!!
Stillnoname 6 years
new topic in weightgain forum
What weight would classify someone as thick?
For example. Im 5'4 and African American....what weight would make me thick by normal standards? Am i already thick?

What about for others. What weight do u all think makes a women thick...not...
Stillnoname 6 years
Im 5'4 what weight would classify me as thick in "normal standards"
Stillnoname 6 years
Guess i have put on weight. Cant fit into things i could 6 months ago
ButterscotchXXX 6 years
how much? what's your secret???
Stillnoname 6 years
Well last update i was 130 now im 140... started at 110. Fast Food and heavy cream
Stillnoname 6 years
Well last update i was 130 now im 140... started at 110. Fast Food and heavy cream
ButterscotchXXX 6 years
❤❤ congratulations on your gains!!!