
Marysville, Washington, United States  
Nofbar 2 years
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heavy cream for how long
Try Torani syrups.
Nofbar 2 years
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max size
500 to 600 pounds
Nofbar 2 years
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obsessed with quarantine weight
A big reason is the extreme politization wrapped around the pandemic.
Nofbar 2 years
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you know you're fat when:
You know you're fat when you have trouble finding bras big enough and you're a guy.
Nofbar 2 years
new topic in Extreme obesity forum
2000 pound person?
What would a person about 6 feet tall and weighing 2000 pounds look like? How would one calculate this?
Nofbar 2 years
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most weight gained in a short amount of time.
How did it feel growing that fast?
Nofbar 2 years
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jobs/careers that will help you get fat
That's how I got fat.
Nofbar 2 years
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stretch marks
I love stretch marks
Nofbar 2 years
new topic in Lifestyle tips forum
bed frame suggestions
I'm in the market for a new bed frame. I first looked at Purple because their platform bed frame claims to support 2000 pounds. Looking into this, I find a lot of reports of the beds loosening, s...
Nofbar 2 years
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at what point are you super-sized fat?
Nofbar 2 years
new topic in Gaining forum
at what point are you super-sized fat?
How do you decide when someone has grown so fat that he/she can be considered "super-sized"?
Nofbar 2 years
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male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?
What were your thoughts when your breasts started to get big? How did they feel?
Nofbar 2 years
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first time using heavy cream
Try adding Torani syrup. Lots of different are available.
Nofbar 2 years
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expecting pants to fit - and they don’t
With me, a couple days ago... I put on a pair of swim trunks and found they'd barely fit.
Nofbar 2 years
new gainer entry created
up and down
I haven't weighed myself for a bit more than a year. Back then I was around 325. Now I'm back and heavier than ever. I'm now 344 pounds!
Nofbar 3 years
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ever broken a piece of furniture?
A rickety chair at a restaurant and a bed with my wife.
Nofbar 3 years
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first thing you want to do once covid is over?
I miss gorging at a buffet.
Nofbar 3 years
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songs about fatties
"Fat" by Weird Al
Nofbar 3 years
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growing man tits
What sort of meds?
Nofbar 3 years
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eating food you don’t like
I found some buffets are like this. Unfortunately for me, all buffets near me are like this. Don't bother trying to get stuffed and bloated on food you don't like. It's not going to work and you...