
Redmond, Washington, United States  
Sketch 12 years
Oh my god tell me about, I have gotten hardly any sleep this week.
Sketch 12 years
chapter 3 up....finally
Sketch 12 years
@clockwork Comments! Comments for EVERYONE!
Sketch 12 years
Happy New Year!
Sketch 12 years
Taking requests for sketches, need practice and bored PM me if interested.
Sketch 12 years
weeze should check her inbox smiley
Sketch 12 years
@big n burlie, wow that sounds delicious
Sketch 12 years
Merry Christmas! smiley
Sketch 12 years
chapter two is out for those interested
Sketch 12 years
why did it post my shout like 3 times? ignore that sorry
Sketch 12 years
Mirror's Edge smiley
Sketch 12 years
Mirror's Edge smiley
Sketch 12 years
Mirror's Edge smiley
Sketch 12 years
Mirror's Edge smiley
Sketch 12 years
Hey fabellyred, I'd be down to chat smiley
Sketch 12 years
Chapter Seven of "A Link to Fantasy" is out.
Sketch 12 years
Who says it has to be solo (though admittedly it generally is)
Sketch 12 years
You could go jack off or something, that's what I do when I'm bored.... sometimes...
Sketch 12 years
chapter 5 and 6 have been edited, no more writing when I'm half asleep hahaha.
Sketch 12 years
Next couple chapters are up if anyone cares to read them smiley

Story is:
"A Link to Fantasy"
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