
Marysville, Washington, United States  
Nofbar 3 years
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songs about fatties
"Fat" by Weird Al
Nofbar 3 years
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growing man tits
What sort of meds?
Nofbar 3 years
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eating food you don’t like
I found some buffets are like this. Unfortunately for me, all buffets near me are like this. Don't bother trying to get stuffed and bloated on food you don't like. It's not going to work and you...
Nofbar 3 years
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10,000 calorie challenge
This is my biggest problem with getting really stuffed. After a certain point, the taste/texture of a food gets such I can't eat any more. I need something different.
Nofbar 3 years
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can you feel yourself gaining weight?
I've felt a slight itching and burning before new stretch marks show up.
Nofbar 3 years
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growing man tits
I want mine to grow outwards
Nofbar 3 years
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growing man tits
What are BC pills?
Nofbar 3 years
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should i document myself "ruining" my body?
Don't call it "ruining".
Nofbar 3 years
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smoking and extreme obesity
In southern California, you can find shark teeth on top of mountains... So?
Nofbar 3 years
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new fat experiences/ realizations?
I've noticed as my belly hangs more, it feels like a big breast.
Nofbar 3 years
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under weight to morbidly obese
I was very skinny as a kid... around 130 or so when I graduated HS. I'm 325-ish now.
Nofbar 3 years
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dangerous rate of gain
What's the med?
Nofbar 3 years
new topic in gaining forum
what is this feeling?
What is this feeling? It's like being horny, but instead of wanting sex, I want to gorge until I burst my clothes -- I long for an enormous belly that goes past my knees, breasts the size of my he...
Nofbar 3 years
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grub crawl
I've done this maybe twice and at places well out of site from the others so nobody would see what I was up to.
Nofbar 3 years
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remeron and gaining
This is a drug for major depression. Why would it be prescribed for insomnia?
Nofbar 3 years
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do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?
I've been in a gaining plateau for quite some time. With the lockdown, I'm pretty sure I started gaining again, but I haven't stepped on a scale. My clothes have definitely gotten a bit tight...
Nofbar 3 years
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do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?
I have this feeling small sensation too, though I'm at least 320 pounds.
Nofbar 4 years
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what does it take to pop buttons?
How easy/hard is it to do? What kinds of shirt/pants combinations work?
Nofbar 4 years
new topic in fat experiences forum
what does it take to pop buttons?
What does it take to pop buttons? I gained from 140 pounds up to 330-ish and maybe more and I've never popped a button.
Nofbar 4 years
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serious hypnosis and other material?
The placebo effect does exist and proves that you can will things to happen.