
El Segundo, California, United States  
Stillnoname 6 years
Stillnoname 6 years
new topic in weightgain forum
How long until you notice heavy cream gains?
Im planning to fatten up with a heavy cream smoothie nightly and adding some to coffee every morning. How long until i should start seeing new fat?
Stillnoname 6 years
Stillnoname 6 years
The scale has gone up....but i dont see the weight...ugh
Stillnoname 6 years
The scale has gone up....but i dont see the weight...ugh
Rustydog7 6 years
Keep that weight going up, it has to show soon.
Stillnoname 6 years
Was telling my friend i wanted to gain...told her about heavy cream shakes...shes already thick 145 anf 5'2 ...i saw her a month ago and she was shes 145 and had the nerve to say she wants more hips and is gonna drink the shake too
Rubarbstreet 6 years
She might get thicker but there's no way she'll have a figure half as sexy as yours.
Stillnoname 6 years
Lol hers is Better ... but shes ginna get big
Stillnoname 7 years
Ugh 135 is sooo close need to push to it.. shakes shakes and more shakes
Stillnoname 7 years
Am i the only super skinny one
Ccwolf60 7 years
Nope, just stay full and happy and you will get bigger smiley
Stillnoname 7 years
Thanks guys
Rubarbstreet 7 years
Keep on eating, you won't feel super skinny for long.
Stillnoname 7 years
A year or so ago and now. Same pants..guess there is progress
Stillnoname 7 years
Ice cream shakes nightly? Will i gain?
BBWcreator82 7 years
Stillnoname 7 years
weightgain forum
Heavy cream really works!
Stillnoname 7 years
weightgain forum
Heavy cream really works!