I stayed home from work today, I think I over did it with the heavy whipping cream before bed last night. x_x Woke up in the middle of the night with major heart burn, from the pizza I had from dinner and my stomach was really bloated. I should probably slow down a bit, don't want to get sick. I felt sick too, I'm starting to feel better now. And I'm hungry so at least I have my appetite still. xD I'm going to wait it out until dinner so I can pig out on fast food. Or maybe just snack on some of these hostess cup cakes until my girlfriend gets home from work with dinner. She doesn't get off for another hour and a half.
I'm seriously addicted to heavy whipping cream. xD It's just so good with chocolate milk!
I've had 6 or 7 chocolate milk and heavy whipping cream shakes within the past three days haha. I wonder what'll happen if I continue to do this.