
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
CuddlyGary 4 years
Your hiccups are calls for flank tickling smiley
Layla 4 years
funnel feed me melted icecream
Enchanted 1 4 years
Followed by a full contact hug...perfect.
Layla 4 years
I'm so horny and hungry lately
Always More 4 years --- I´m horny too !
Layla 4 years
stuffed myself for the super bowl despite being Aussie 😂
Layla 4 years
about to start my own bakery with all these rolls 🥯🥖
Layla 4 years
the message limit really shits me off, it doesnt make me want to pay for the site it makes me want to only check it every few months
Reflection O... 4 years
Lol "shits me off", I just spat out my Dr Pepper. Cheers!
Layla 4 years
being fat makes me feel so sexy and feminine 🦋
Stugas 4 years
Layla 4 years
outgrowing all my business clothes :O
Theswordsman 4 years
Maybe its time to work from home
Layla 5 years
I never thought I would end up this FAT
Iweissnicht 4 years
Dang girl, you "thiqqq".
Go out with me, you goober.
Layla 5 years
so many stretchmarks!
Layla 5 years
add me on snapchat, that is where I post most regularly! @bbw_layla
Layla 5 years
wow I joined fantasy feeder 8 years ago.... and in all that time I never found a feeder, at what point do you give up?
Layla 5 years
lmao people know how to contact me, the problem is that I live in one of the most isolated cities in the world and there are like 0 feeders there
Derraabe 5 years
If you ever visit Germany you are wellcome to a 7-course dinner and a force feeding to and maybe beyond your limits afterwards!