
El Segundo, California, United States  
Stillnoname 7 years
And I still have to finish my shake
Stillnoname 7 years
new post created in personal ads forum
re: Female feeder looking for female feedee.
Stillnoname 7 years
What used to be an ok weight for me is now too skinny. I 2wnt more
Stillnoname 7 years
I'm 5'4 and about 126 or so... I'd be happy to get to 130...maybe a bit more... it's been the hardest to get to and maintain.
Stillnoname 7 years
I just want some thickness ugh. Someone fatten me up some in a short amount of time
Stillnoname 7 years
I want a feeder ..
Stillnoname 7 years
Just encouragement. I Need to fatten up and lack motivation. But I want some thickness
Jimmy20 7 years
I can help
Stillnoname 7 years
I have two weeks to gain 5 pounds. Heavy cream suggestions?
Stillnoname 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: If you had a wish - survey
Stillnoname 7 years
Anyone gained on the depo shot
Stillnoname 7 years
Mean while... the little sister has gained another 33 pounds.
Rubarbstreet 7 years
She's getting fat but there's no amount of weight she can gain that will give her the perfect body you have.
Stillnoname 7 years
33 pounds in 2 months. That's close to 5 pounds a week. If I could gain 4 pounds a week for a month I'd be good
Rubarbstreet 7 years
That I'd love to see. You'd practically be outgrowing your clothes in real time, popping buttons and tearing seams by the end of every day.
Stillnoname 7 years
That holiday weight is creeping up on me
Rustydog7 7 years
Love that, keep eating those left over sweets.
Stillnoname 7 years
At this point I keep thinking..what's a few more pounds... holidays aren't over til February
Rubarbstreet 7 years
You know those pounds are all going to look beautiful on you! Rounder and fuller and sexier, as always.
Stillnoname 7 years
My bf's little sister is getting so fat. Like curvy fat but she's getting pretty big....hasnthen even been away from home 6 months yet