
Des Moines, Iowa, United States  
Farleysmom 7 years
new post created in general forum
Where do you carry most of your fat?
Farleysmom 7 years
I believe that the American govern ment and news media are lying about there being an "obesity epidemic." These people would have you believe that the Midwestern United States, where I live, is full of BHMS eating foot long corn dogs, even in government buildings, the symphony house, and funeral parlors. This is SO not the case. I have not seen a doable guy in, like, a month.
Farleysmom 7 years
I should have said symphony houses plural; we just have the one in the Des Moines area, but there is definitely more than one symphony house in the Midwest. It's not like they just have one in Chicago and everyone else has to listen to "Carmina Burana, O Fortuna" being performed by jug bands in bars with maximum occupanc. I e s of 20.
Farleysmom 7 years
I want to be the girl in the porno movie "Bad Milkman."
Farleysmom 7 years
Why the f--k is straight BHM porn not a thing???!!!
Farleysmom 7 years
People who have not been to medical school need to stop giving medical advice. I have a family member who tells me I need to stop taking so much "medison."
Farleysmom 7 years
You might be autistic if you wanted a "150 th Anniversary of the Des Moines Public Library" commemorative T-shirt so badly you attempted to remove the display model from the mannequin because it was the last size large...if you honestly had no idea what that girl meant when she said that there could be some "advantages" to you being 6'8"...if more than one of your first-and-last dates has involved the other person saying, "F--k it, I'm ordering ribs!"...If someone takes offense to your use of the F word, and it causes you to launch into an etymological lecture/histor iCal account of the Norman invasion that leads to THEM saying the F word to YOU.
Farleysmom 7 years
I'm really surprised that it's 2017 and we still haven't figured out how to ferment peanuts. You'd think that if George Washington Carver didn't figure out how, Billy Carter would have.
Farleysmom 7 years
I will post more pics once my mom gets me a new SD card. (#autistic people problems.) They will be similar to "Game of Thrones," but with fewer dragons and murder and more pugs and size 8 Hanes underwear.
Farleysmom 7 years
My Charolaise Hester made "Cow of the Week" on the front page of the "Des Moines Register!" Maybe now I'll get some action irl!
Farleysmom 7 years
For a very long time, I have been taking an antidepressant that does absolutely nothing to alleviate my crippling depression because it allows me to eat whatever I want and not gain weight. I can't live with this depression any more. I need to try a new antidepressant. I might gain weight. I'm so glad I found this online community!
TalulahJay 7 years
Wow all my anxiety meds make me eat and gain weight.
Farleysmom 7 years
I'm pretty sure I got a few Almond M & M's in my package of Peanut M & M's. Pretty cool, huh?
Farleysmom 7 years
new post created in stuffing forum
re: Stuffing.....and hiccups?
Farleysmom 7 years
new post created in stuffing forum
re: Stuffing.....and hiccups?
Farleysmom 7 years
They had pancakes and sausage at church! I will never skip the Ash Wednesday service again!
Farleysmom 7 years
I actually managed to post a photo of myself! Guys, check it out! As you can see, my apartment has a "No shirt, no shoes, no problem!" Policy. LOL
Farleysmom 7 years
Nothing 7 years
I'm 280 do u think that's unhealthy
Farleysmom 7 years
I need to call Samsung to find out what to do ab.out my phone being sticky.