
Trenton, New Jersey, United States  
Tyuiop 10 years
But don't be too shocked to see Kurt Angle make a return this year
Tyuiop 10 years
Shane's company is doing very well. I don't see him returning any time soon.
Tyuiop 10 years
The WWE has been painted into a corner by not producing more top guys. What will WM40 will like?
Tyuiop 10 years
Ryback is a douche
Tyuiop 10 years
They shouldn't be going back to past gimmicks and story lines. Ryback needs to be his own man.
Tyuiop 10 years
I didn't hear anything about that but man, they don't like each other! That is going to be really stiff.
Tyuiop 10 years
Ryback is the modern day Goldberg
Tyuiop 10 years
Take out the politics, get some better writers, and have Vince allow more creative things to happen
Tyuiop 10 years
Lesner v Ryback? Heel v heel? Ok, why?
Tyuiop 10 years
Sting can't go like he could any more. Just look at his TNA matches
Tyuiop 10 years
Oh Taker v Lesner will be STIFF! They have legit heat.
Tyuiop 10 years
DB should win the WWE title at WM with Vince coming out to over ride what the authority planned and listen to the fans
Tyuiop 10 years
I don't see them splitting him off just to join another group
Tyuiop 10 years
Austin teases it all the time and I've been meaning to listen to his podcast
Tyuiop 10 years
Yes, Undertaker will be back tonight but I don't know who he is facing at WM. I'm going to say that he will win at WM smiley
Tyuiop 10 years
Yeah, they're breaking up the shield
Tyuiop 10 years
The final straw was that he was working H at WM, and he's totally right.
Tyuiop 10 years
Who will? Or who should he?
Tyuiop 10 years
They've been dating since sometime last year and they've been chanting for Punk since he left
Tyuiop 10 years
Vince wants Punk back and if he's not there next week that crowd is going to let them know how they feel