
El Segundo, California, United States  
Rubarbstreet 7 years
Let's hope you rub off on her some more, but she'll never have a figure as beautifully round and growing as yours.
Stillnoname 7 years
She's way passed me. Shes gotta be like 200 pounds already if not more
Rubarbstreet 7 years
Great to hear! Be careful, though, your belly might start swelling even more if you hang around her more, hehe.
Stillnoname 7 years
Started taking maca root. And I've been hungry so much more often. No real gains yet. Only about a pound. Let's give it a month and see where this goes.
Rubarbstreet 7 years
Good luck, I hope it helps! Been feeling full and bloated more lately?
Stillnoname 7 years
This is probably not the "best" place to vent, but I've seriously had body issues my whole life. I have months (or years) where I'm confortable and confident in the way I look then I have others where I don't feel attractive at all. Lately I have been feeling really unattractive and skinny and curveless. I just wanna be happy with me
Tru_mvp 7 years
Keep your head up! You look good!
Stillnoname 7 years
Wondwe if maca root can fatten u up
Rubarbstreet 7 years
It seems like almost anything will fatten you up, hehe. At the least it will make you look even more stuffed and bloated and sexy, so that's win-win!
Stillnoname 7 years
Had a nice fattening. Burger for lunch. Can't wait to eat again.
Stillnoname 7 years
I wanna talk abouto getting fat. Kick me. Skinnygettingthick
Stillnoname 7 years
Apedamin for 30 days along with fast food and heavy cream ....what do you guys think ?
MrAwesome 86 7 years
I'm thinking your going to be huge
Stillnoname 7 years
Did she get fat
Stillnoname 7 years
I won't. Just 1 a day
Rubarbstreet 7 years
You've been just on the edge of getting huge for a while now, this might just tip you over. But be careful with medication! Not to mention, if this does work you might not be able to stop yourself and wind up thicker and rounder than you wanted, hehe.
Stillnoname 7 years
Lol oh have I? I'm hoping this put's 15-20 pounds on me in a month. Think I'll be too fat?
Stillnoname 7 years
What am I doing wrong. Some of you got so fat
Rubarbstreet 7 years
Doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong. You're figure looks thick and beautiful and you sure are much bigger than you started out.
Bigbellyluvr 7 years
Nothing at all. Just keep eating