Igor Olman

Coventry, England, United Kingdom  
Igor Olman 10 years
@alice: bacon smiley
Igor Olman 10 years
I'm extremely educated. I also have no common sense and the social skills of a ***ed badger. Education =/> win
Igor Olman 10 years
And since Henry Kissinger said 'power is the ultimate aphrodisiac' ...
Igor Olman 10 years
Ah, 'knowledge is power.' The mantra of Sir Francis Bacon and Reg Holdsworth alike. smiley
Igor Olman 10 years
... around the world in the C19th, and since we're so bad at learning languages as a nation, everyone else has helped out by learning it.
Igor Olman 10 years
Nowt wrong with Spanish as a language, I hasten to add. Practically every language makes more sense, gramatically and syntactically than English. But it's what we know and what we disseminated aro
Igor Olman 10 years
French, German and Latin, so ner. :b
Igor Olman 10 years
... Mary Ann Evans, ta. (two local worthies)
Igor Olman 10 years
Maybe in 50 years time Spanish will displace English, or even a weird 'Panglish' or 'Singlish' mixture as some analysts believe, but till then, I'll stick with Bill Shakespeare and
Igor Olman 10 years
@Christy: I learned three at school, plus English. Apart from maybe reading Cervantes in the original, I can't see how adding Spanish is gonna help me.
Igor Olman 10 years
... country where English is the first language, it makes sense for all posts to be in English.
Igor Olman 10 years
Since more people speak English as a first or second language, or are at least passable in it, and the vast (pun intended) majority of FF members and moderators, including the owner, reside in a count
Igor Olman 10 years
Sure, I'll become fluent in a second language to help me in my non-remunerated moderation. *headdesk*
Igor Olman 10 years
@Cristy: beats the crap out of me, I'm in the UK. And since English is the world's lingua franca, FF has adopted it as its official language.
Igor Olman 10 years
English only in shoutbox, please.
Igor Olman 10 years
@hotpeppers, the default location is Buffalo.
Igor Olman 10 years
Sorry, Sunshine, are you saying I can't play?
Igor Olman 10 years
This IS a fat-friendly site. It's not a self-pity-friendly site.
Igor Olman 11 years
Well, the fact that the actual name is censored should give you a hint.
Igor Olman 11 years
@fattylover13: don't put an alternative social media address in shout.