
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada  
Edxl 9 years
Natsuki....in the USA yes, in Canada no. (Oct. in Canada)
Edxl 9 years
Always tough when sex drives don't line up smiley
Edxl 10 years
Thanks for all you did here.
Edxl 10 years
Yah, can get pretty turned on when working on stories, including non sexual parts.
Edxl 10 years
Congrats, intergalactic! Hope they went well smiley
Edxl 10 years
Very nice, Hershey. Creative and well done
Edxl 10 years
Where is that, Brawndo? And is there skiing there? Lol
Edxl 10 years
Where is that, Brawndo? And is there skiing there? Lol
Edxl 10 years
How long until the wedding, Bay? You sure going up one size will be enough ;-)
Edxl 10 years
Lol Delilah! Also, you know you are solidly on the gaining trail when it is so hard to fill up.
Edxl 10 years
Welcome, Treo.
Edxl 10 years
Edxl 11 years
Grats, 400!
Edxl 11 years
Congrats Gloria--sounds like you are really enjoying this smiley
Edxl 11 years
I find that a brisk walk or bike ride can help.
Edxl 11 years
Icons a brisk walk or bike ride can help.
Edxl 11 years
LadyJ yep it can be. You were probably filling up your entire g.I. tract, and haven't ummm processed enough to make any room or let your body get back in balance. Been there.
Edxl 11 years
Mine: an end to prejudice, working, safe, cold fusion, and for my wife to like fatness, lol
Edxl 11 years
Wow highest, one message and you know all about the guy-- I am so impressed.
Edxl 11 years
Kitty, could always finish up with a large drink. I've always found when I can't eat more can still drink a fair bit, really tops off the feeling.