Igor Olman

Coventry, England, United Kingdom  
Igor Olman 11 years
Please don't post alternative social media addresses in here.
Igor Olman 11 years
@Ada: Please don't post alternative social media contact details in shoutbox.
Igor Olman 11 years
Check again, I was in the middle of removing the pic when I paused to answer your shout.
Igor Olman 11 years
@DaddysPamperedPiglet: if you see a pic that you think does not meet site rules, post an abuse flag.
Igor Olman 11 years
@UKChubbyBoy: Because you were attempting to post an alternative social media address.
Igor Olman 11 years
@liselise, please don't try and get round the shoutbox censor.
Igor Olman 11 years
@belover: stop trying to get round the censor.
Igor Olman 11 years
Yes, because they were attempting to circumvent site rules. And shouts whining about shouts being deleted will be, guess what, deleted.
Igor Olman 11 years
@chubby: Can you please flag any stolen pics as abuse and provide a link to the other site with the real pics? A mod will then deal with it.
Igor Olman 11 years
@jak: please don't try and circumvent the shout censor, the whole point is to encourage people to use chat
Igor Olman 11 years
@jak: please don't try and circumvent the shout censor, the whole point is to encourage people to use chat
Igor Olman 11 years
@Meli: Please stop spamming shoutbox. Once every couple of hours or so is fine with the same ad. Have you tried the personals forum?
Igor Olman 11 years
This isn't the Fantasy Feeder you're looking for. (hand gesture) smiley
Igor Olman 11 years
@BB Yes, but doing mod stuff first smiley
Igor Olman 11 years
evening BB
Igor Olman 11 years
Hotter than a hot thing on planet Hot. (or, to non-British people, about 25C)
Igor Olman 11 years
biasedop, English only in public areas , please
Igor Olman 11 years
Bacardi Girl is back! smiley
Igor Olman 11 years
Hannah, that has got to be one of the least self-aware things anyone has ever shouted. I refer you to the name of the site. *headdesk*
Igor Olman 11 years
Technically, 'the monkey is inside the tree' ... according to Eddie Izzard lol