
Alkmaar, Noord-holland, Netherlands  
Shades 4 years
reply to forum post
time to get serious
Nobody even remotely interested? Wow.
Shades 4 years
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female fa looking to become feedee
How are you on relocating? I'm from the Netherlands but what you are talking about sounds very interesting to me.
I want to have kids too. How is that for you?
Shades 4 years
new topic in personal ads forum
time to get serious

I've been single for a while now and frankly it's a bit of a drag. Life's more fun when sharing it with the right person.
So... I'm throwing my hat in the ring again, to see what I c...
Shades 4 years
Gave myself a trim. ☺️
Shades 4 years
Shades 4 years
Not my parrot, but she's cute anyway. 😏
Shades 4 years
Shades 4 years
reply to forum post
any eu national cuties w strong pregnancy fetish?
Hmm... Hundreds of millions of women out there... You'd think there'd be one out there
Shades 4 years
new topic in personal ads forum
any eu national cuties w strong pregnancy fetish?
I'm looking for a cute girl from somewhere in the EU whose wish it is to have quite a few children.
Pregnancy desire should be high. 😏Wanting to put on weight a definite plus. ❤️
I'm from...
Shades 4 years
Shades 4 years
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bbw looking for a feeder and love and breeding if interested
Hell no!
That's both illegal and monstrous.
Shades 4 years
reply to forum post
looking for cute eu girl w breeding fetish to stuff and pamper
Heyy UT,

For a variety of reasons, I cannot look outside the EU I'm afraid, so unless you have a European passport, it'll be quite hard for me to make anything work out im afraid. ?
Shades 4 years
new topic in personal ads forum
looking for cute eu girl w breeding fetish to stuff and pamper
Are there any EU girls out there who like to stuff and have a breeding fetish?
My dream girl is cute and not simple minded, simply loves to get fatter and have quite a few babies.
Drop me a line...
Shades 5 years
Shades 5 years
Say hi. I don't bite.
Shades 6 years
Shades 6 years
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