
Anniston, Alabama, United States  
CarbCollector 6 years
Five steak gordita supreme 3 steak quesadillas 4 soft tacos and a 2 L of Coke. Still hungry kind of sleepy

back to work!

CarbCollector 6 years
Ps don't worry. Sedentary job. No carbs will be lost ♡
CarbCollector 6 years
CarbCollector 6 years
new topic in weightgain forum
Pizza Or Cake. The Quest for the love of fatness resumes!
About to start up a renewed quest for 400....okay that's really just a year end goal however I digress, should I on my quest aim to primarily consume sweetstuff, cakes cookies iceream/heavy cream s...
CarbCollector 6 years
cheesesteak and fried twinkies. that is all
CarbCollector 6 years
At midnight tonight I will be ordering fat shack, fried twinky heaven will soon be mine.
CarbCollector 6 years
I thank the internet for this lovely 3rd rock from the sun quote."Why Should I be concerned with gaining weight? My body is just the vehicle that carries my brain around and my brain deserves a smooth and luxurious ride!" I think we can all very fondly agree with that sentiment! smiley
CarbCollector 6 years
And I shall spend my second day off like my first eating heavy Dairy and ice cream products till full and then going to lay down for a nice smell deserve nap and then repeat! This is going to be a fattastic day off!

My God that was so cheesy I should put it on some pizza and eat it okay I'm going to stop all the puns now but seriously I'm going to go drink a bunch of hcy/ice cream shakes and then go back to bed
CarbCollector 6 years
I will also Endeavour to stop using voice to text because smell and hcv was not intended.
CarbCollector 6 years
Going to sleep on a full stomach
CarbCollector 6 years
Starting the climb back to perfection
CarbCollector 6 years
Drank 1.4L of icecream for my before bed meal. Building a better squishier me one day at a time
CarbCollector 6 years
filled to the brim with ice cream / heavy cream. Belly rub and nap time!
I want those 30 ibs and then some back dammit!!
CarbCollector 6 years
Thing I keep forgetting: Replacing blender for making shakes. Because I enjoy drinking ice cream but the blender would make it so much faster and easier. I will remember eventually. I have now vented and am good.
CarbCollector 6 years
I lost a little weight :L
CarbCollector 7 years
i have eated too much. So sleepy
CarbCollector 7 years
after spending a long day of eating the cheesiest, greasiest food I could find I think its time to lay belly up and get some sleep!
CarbCollector 7 years
i was gunna post new pics. but I am too sleepy and too full...okay can never be too full. smiley
CarbCollector 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Lowering Metabolism to Gain?
CarbCollector 7 years
xl pizza snack time
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