
London, England, United Kingdom  
Foxglove 11 years
whine, whine, whine... How about "Yay! Isn't it great we have this website provided without us having to lift a finger... Oh and for FREE!"
Foxglove 11 years
@TBG - I disabled the comments section to deter someone ages ago! Maybe I should reinstate it. Thanks though smiley
Foxglove 11 years
@TBG you're welcome. Moustaches ftw
Foxglove 11 years
Basically it's not a porn site. If you don't like the rules, you don't have to participate.
Foxglove 11 years
@twoinch: it's the same rule for men and women - no genitalia. Both sexes can show their breasts. Fair enough?
Foxglove 11 years
Can a moderator please delete "twoincherect"s photo and profile pic? BLEH
Foxglove 11 years
@mollylover: Picture links aren't working but I can read the forums ok
Foxglove 11 years
gosh so much whinging about the pictures section in the shoutbox today! I thought it was a good innovation! Smile for heaven's sake people
Foxglove 11 years
@Ruby: Haha, FF Towers! I can just picture it! I'm sure it's pink.
Foxglove 11 years
We need more videos in the "weighing" section. Those are by far my favourite. Get posting.
Foxglove 11 years
Ooh, is this a new innovation in Videos? Divided into jiggling, weighing, measuring, etc? Brilliant *pervs*
Foxglove 11 years
...and back to rice recipes. I like brown rice with chopped fresh herbs & spring onions stirred through, with olive oil and lots of S&P
Foxglove 11 years
oops sorry for re-post, i refreshed by mistake
Foxglove 11 years
There are hundreds of websites where people can discuss dieting to lose weight, so we like to keep it strictly about diets to gain haha
Foxglove 11 years
There are hundreds of websites where people can discuss dieting to lose weight, so we like to keep it strictly about diets to gain haha
Foxglove 11 years
@British Gentleman: No, of course not! Why? I believe the site rules aren't in favour of pro-diet talk though, so anything like that gets deleted from threads
Foxglove 12 years
Ugh, I can't believe I just lowered myself to bandying insults. I'm off to take a chill pill
Foxglove 12 years
Oh take no notice of Murphy, southerngirl - he just likes to be snide and mean to people so he can seem superior.
Foxglove 12 years
Happy birthday Joker!
Foxglove 12 years
@ikonoklastee: I'm not bothering with the Rochers - I'm just eating Nutella straight out of the jar
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