
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 10 years
keep doing ur duckface ghoul, dont let these haters get you down, duckface4lyf
Layla 10 years
the real question is why do so many people care about duck face , live and let live, who ****ng cares, dont look if you dont like it duh
Layla 10 years
its so stupid that the viewing limit extends to your own photos ... like wtf
Layla 10 years
aw thanks softly ! smiley
Layla 10 years
omg thats so sad jamanda thats way worse than trouble making the bed im so sorry about your llama !! rip llama
Layla 10 years
i know i knoww and then you grab the corners but its still sooo hard why cant someone just do it for me smiley
Layla 10 years
but that sounds pretty hard too i guess
Layla 10 years
jamanda i disagree i think the hardest part is getting those duvet covers onto duvets, that sh*t is difficult as f*ck
Layla 10 years
oops laterade i dont think i put enough postage on the bird it might return to sender sorry
Layla 10 years
no lol i obviously didnt mean here cuz otherwise i wouldnt be able to still post here ... i meant on forums haha
Layla 10 years
ive sent a small bird with a note attatched
Layla 10 years
omg ive reached my 24 hr posting limit what am i gunna do with my life now ??
Layla 10 years
i think its called a coma jamanda
Layla 10 years
just some baby crying in the shoutbox again lol we get one regularly , usually because theyve been rejected
Layla 10 years
lol you so mad
Layla 10 years
lol i dont even have a wishlist you fool ! and we have a check all and delete feature in our inbox so your messages didnt do shit actually smiley
Layla 10 years
ew dont message me cbf01 !
Layla 10 years
lol cry me a river cbf01
Layla 10 years
lol as if im having kids ! ew
Layla 10 years
sometimes but then i think nahh surely he would have been more upfront about it if so smiley