
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 10 years
oh god not this guy again
Layla 10 years
bye then perfectflaws91 take care !
Layla 10 years
I have looked the same for the last 2 years, aka AMAZING smiley
Layla 10 years
yeah you got me, im still 130 lbs smiley is it really that obvious ?? i thought i was so sneaky
Layla 10 years
apparently the gay section of the forums has been merged into general
Layla 10 years
cute that youve been following me ! i knew we were meant to beeeeee this is true love baby
Layla 10 years
what a perfect wife
Layla 10 years
yes and ends with, ill let you msg as many girls on ff as you like and dry your tears when every single one rejects you smiley
Layla 10 years
guys dont scare off my future husband plz ! im drafting my vows now smiley
Layla 10 years
all i ever wanted in a life partner was a sad insecure loser who cries on shoutbox of fetish sites, this is my chance !!!
Layla 10 years
im heart broken :'( say it isnt so !!
Layla 10 years
hahah just saw your about me cBrois, wonder why girls arent talking to you for long periods of time ?? a true mystery
Layla 10 years
LOL I cant tell if these are supposed to be insults ? like clearly im fabulous and my job is amazing so.. thanks
Layla 10 years
wait so does no one care about me or am i 'known to be stupid' make up your mind baby
Layla 10 years
er even if no one does care about me, still doesnt mean they care to hear you crying in the shoutbox smiley
Layla 10 years
ew be quiet cBrois, no one cares
Layla 10 years
theres a chance i would spew on you
Layla 10 years
i just had 2 dominos pizzas then did coke n mentos pretty sure im gunna die
Layla 10 years
come play quiz everyone !
Layla 10 years
cry on cam while u stuff, i like that