eversuffered, thats quite the journey, hopefully you meet someone on here that'll love you you for you ^_^
eversuffered, most welcome, if you don't mind my asking, just how much did you drop in size
eversuffered, oh congratz! that sawesome for you, what I meant was being here no one will object to a curvier you
eversuffered, glad to hear it, and the best part? ANY extra lbs you add will only get celebrated here
eversuffered, you are definately NOT a one of thos ethings, in fact, you look downright lovely
eversuffered, sounds about right, and the best part, you're size is celebrated and loved ^_^
eversuffered, well its good to hear ^_^, just be careful cause sometimes it can get overwhelming
Iona, from your rate of gaining, I wouldn't assume otherwise , after all, yer a growing lady ^_^
Iona, in all honesty, I'm pretty sure you're hubby will do EVERYTHING possible to keep you from becoming smaller