
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 10 years
yes and ur going to hell
Layla 10 years
no one NEEDS a boob job
Layla 10 years
rich enough to buy me a boob job !
Layla 10 years
i want a rich husband who goes away a lot
Layla 10 years
hey punky
Layla 10 years
now im in france where there is only cheese smiley
Layla 10 years
I just got back from amsterdam so im way ahead of all yall
Layla 10 years
naww haha express your love for me by getting me into chat hahaa
Layla 10 years
yeah cleared cookies and tried 3 dif browsers, it keeps saying error 0 ?
Layla 10 years
i still cant get into chat smiley
Layla 10 years
ive tried 3 !! firefox, chrome and IE
Layla 10 years
chat please let me in, ill give u 2 euros and a slice of salami
Layla 10 years
only cool people on skpe please
Layla 10 years
why do you think im in france, cuz they wouldnt let me into england AGAIN
Layla 10 years
Layla 10 years
oh well look out please insert name, way to rub salt in my wounds
Layla 10 years
people ad me on sk*pe to partyyy but no cams cuz im ugly today
Layla 10 years
wtf is pernod
Layla 10 years
gettind drunk on sanfria duh
Layla 10 years
mods fix this immediately