
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 10 years
its not true its just a hot photo lol
Layla 10 years
hahahaa shhh dont tell anyone
Layla 10 years
haha im glad you are living up to your fat potential now !
Layla 10 years
sup playas
Layla 10 years
ok but if its shit im rating it average LOL
Layla 10 years
me too ditzy girl ! like theres always movies and shit to watch or sims to play hahaa
Layla 10 years
haha everyone lives in sydney ! try living in perth
Layla 10 years
its ok you can send it to me privately if you like porcelain
Layla 10 years
sev is that true ? when have you ever drank 3 l milk lol ?
Layla 10 years
soda is for amateurs !
Layla 10 years
yes ive done it before lol and yes i get sick everytime hahha i think im lactose intolerant
Layla 10 years
ughhh feel so sick just drank like 3 L milk
Layla 10 years
yeah no sh*t sherlock , im not telling you to gtfo im just laughing at you proclaiming it like its just rare thing like hello all the competitive eaters are thin
Layla 10 years
no its just funny the way youre making it sound like an anomaly, as though the default for thin girls is to not eat lots
Layla 10 years
well yeah of course duh everyone loves a thin girl that can eat lots its so cute and quirky amirite
Layla 10 years
so glad we have a place to come to appreciate thin women who eat lots right cuz theres nowhere else for us to discuss it hey LOL NOT
Layla 10 years
but entry is 1 cake sorry
Layla 10 years
in chat playa ! come in and hang with the cool kids
Layla 10 years
someone bake me a cakeee i just went to make one and realised i have no icing sugar wehh
Layla 10 years
matter of great urgency