well, sometimes with certain weights you just KNOW the person is due to their shortness hot as hell
Agreed, thats usually the right mark for most people, so hersheysgirl92, are you bigger around than your height?
Cherie, you TOO can be as big as her if thats what you want, after all, no lady should be denied the curves they desire
LAyla, I think its the FACT that he's spamming them to her thats annoying/upsetting her
plumpersparadise, its a bummer, but some people are seriously unable to take a hint, for instance, I know if I'm annoying someone without realizing it, I'll do roughly the same till that perso
plumpersparadise, sorry to heara you can't get rid of this guy's stuff, but best solution is what the others said, and if he doesn't stop on FF either yu can always get him banned for hara