You'll do great Murphy! I know you take great pictures and you are gonna rock their socks off!
cjs, many PMs get lost on here as the oldest ones drop off if new ones come in. I am a gold member and have 100 spaces and I have trouble keeping up and most others only have 20. So it's safe to s
any NYC are folks interested in a cupcake social meetup tomorrow:
I'm sure no one will complain if you do
I just realized you are new here. Welcome!

You mean the recent pics? That's a big flow-y sundress. Not covering the arms pwr say just Mekong the outfit cute. I love the shoulder detail on that sweater shrug and it's tight across my boo
I'm deleting some now that have no username. I hate that ppl can remove themselves so easily on here then come back with an entirely new profile later on. Verrrry confusing!!